Undergraduate Business Administration

Oliver Hahl, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs; Associate Professor of Organization Theory, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Jennifer Wegner, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs

Location: Tepper Quad, Suite 2400

Email: uba@andrew.cmu.edu

Advising Appointment Online Scheduler: https://meetme.so/TepperAdvising

The Business Administration Major in the Tepper School of Business is for students interested in a broad undergraduate education based on management science, quantitative reasoning, leadership development, and communications skills. The curriculum is rigorous and flexible to accommodate student interests, academic, and career goals. 

Students who complete the B.S. in Business Administration will be able to: i) Demonstrate a depth of knowledge in business functional areas; ii) Solve business problems using analytic methods; iii) Use diverse and broad intellectual frameworks to solve problems; iv) Develop judgment and the ability to work in diverse environments; and v) Communicate effectively and persuasively.

The curriculum includes a central core of courses in the functional areas of business, economics, mathematics, communications, and university courses in liberal arts and sciences. Students complete an in-depth study in one functional business concentration and additional business electives. Students also complete a minor from outside the Tepper School of Business to enhance their business education. The minor promotes students' intellectual confidence and leads to the broad knowledge that can last a lifetime. The curriculum structure helps Tepper graduates become leaders in complex global business, technical, and political environments.

Beyond the major in Business Administration, the Tepper School offers minors and additional majors to students in other programs of the university.


B.S. Degree in Business Administration

To receive the B.S. degree in Business Administration, students must complete at least 364 units, consisting of the requirements for the Business Foundations, Business Core, Concentration, Business Electives, University Core, and a Minor.

Business Foundations

Mathematics Units
21-120Differential and Integral Calculus10
or 21-111
Calculus I
and Calculus II
21-256Multivariate Analysis9
or 21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
70-257Optimization for Business9
or 21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
or 21-292 Operations Research I
73-102Principles of Microeconomics9
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
73-103Principles of Macroeconomics9
73-230Intermediate Microeconomics9
or 73-240 Intermediate Macroeconomics
70-207Probability and Statistics for Business Applications9
or 36-200 Reasoning with Data
70-208Regression Analysis9
or 36-202 Methods for Statistics & Data Science

Business Core

70-106Business Science9
70-110Business Computing9
70-122Introduction to Accounting9
70-311Organizational Behavior9
70-332Business, Society and Ethics9
70-340Business Communications9
70-345Business Presentations9
70-371Operations Management9
70-381Marketing I9
70-104Business Leadership Endeavor I3
70-204Business Leadership Endeavor II3
70-304Business Leadership Endeavor III3
70-401Management Game12
or 70-447 Client Consulting Project: Strategic Management of the Enterprise


Students must complete one concentration that allows them to gain knowledge and expertise in a particular area of business practice. For students electing to complete an additional major, the concentration requirement is waived (as is the minor requirement) and students must complete three business elective courses as part of the waived concentration requirement. Concentration courses cannot double-count with any other degree requirement including the minor requirement.

  • Accounting
  • Business Analytics and Technologies
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Global Economics and Business
  • Islamic Business Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Product Management
  • Strategic Management

Business Electives

Students must complete 18 units of Business Electives. A business elective course is any Business course (70-3xx) that is not being used to satisfy another degree requirement. This can include 21-270 Introduction to Mathematical Finance and upper-level Economics courses (73-3xx and above). Business Electives cannot double-count with any other degree requirement, including the minor.


In order to obtain the degree, students must complete a minor from another academic department. For students electing to complete an additional major or dual degree, the minor and concentration requirements are waived and the student must complete 9 additional units of business elective coursework.

university core

Students are required to complete Tepper School University Core, the general education coursework in the liberal arts and sciences. 

CoRE @ Carnegie Mellon

All undergraduate students are required to take 99-101 CORE @ Carnegie Mellon to graduate (completed during the first year).

Business Concentrations

The business concentration allows students to gain knowledge and expertise in a particular area of practice. The concentration coursework prepares students with the knowledge and skills for their career pursuits and completing a concentration is part of the business degree requirements. 

Business concentrations require at least 36 units beyond the Business Core. Courses taken to meet concentration requirements are not allowed to double count toward any other BA degree requirements, including the minor requirement. Business concentrations may require prerequisites from courses outside the concentration.



70-424 Corporate Financial and Sustainability Reporting

Choose 3 remaining courses from:
70-422 Managerial Accounting
70-427 Modern Banks: Strategy and Regulation
70-428 Financial Statement Analysis
70-498 Business Language Analytics: Mining Financial Texts and Graphs 

Business Analytics and Technologies

Required, choose 1 from:
70-374 Data Mining & Business Analytics 
70-467 Machine Learning for Business Analytics 

Choose 3 remaining courses from:
70-374 Data Mining & Business Analytics
70-387 Strategy for High-Tech Products and Services
70-455 Data Management Fundamentals
70-458 Advanced Data Management
70-460 Mathematical Models for Consulting
70-467 Machine Learning for Business Analytics
70-469 End to End Business Analytics
70-498 Business Language Analytics: Mining Financial Texts and Graphs
73-366 Designing the Digital Economy
73-374 Econometrics II


70-415 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
70-416 New Venture Creation

Choose 2 remaining courses from:
70-395 Funding Entrepreneurial Ventures
70-438 Commercialization and Innovation
70-443 Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy
49-300 Integrated Product Conceptualization

70-509 Independent Study in Entrepreneurship (special permission required)


70-492 Investment Analysis

70-495 Corporate Finance

Choose 2 remaining courses from:
70-337 Business of Blockchain
70-353 Financial Regulation in the Digital Age
70-398 International Finance 
70-484 Data Science for Finance
70-493 Valuation and Financial Modeling
70-497 Derivative Securities

70-498 Business Language Analytics: Mining Financial Texts and Graphs

Global Economics and Business

73-265 Economics and Data Science

Choose 1 course from:
73-347 Game Theory Applications for Economics and Business
73-421 Emerging Markets

Choose 2 remaining courses from:
70-398 International Finance
73-341 Managing through Incentives
73-354 Sports Economics
73-365 Firms, Market Structures, and Strategy
73-366 Designing the Digital Economy
73-427 Sustainability, Energy, and Environmental Economics

islamic BUSINESS management*

70-388 Islamic Finance
73-369 Islamic Economics

Choose 2 remaining courses from:
70-342 Managing Across Cultures

70-409 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
70-492 Investment Analysis
73-421 Emerging Markets

*The Islamic Business Management concentration requires courses only available at CMU-Q.


70-481 Marketing Research

Choose 3 remaining courses from:
70-385 Consumer Behavior
70-387 Strategy for High-Tech Products and Services
70-443 Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy
70-482 Pricing Strategy
70-483 Advertising and Marketing Communications
70-485 Product and Brand Management


70-460 Mathematical Models for Consulting
70-471 Supply Chain Management

Choose 2 remaining courses from:
70-373 Sustainable Operations
70-422 Managerial Accounting
70-447 Client Consulting Project: Strategic Management of the Enterprise
70-462 Uncertainty and Risk Modeling
70-476 Service Operations Management
70-493 Valuation and Financial Modeling


70-387 Strategy for High-Tech Products and Services
70-452 Introduction to Product Management

Choose 1 course from*:
05-391 Designing Human Centered Software
05-410 User-Centered Research and Evaluation
70-389 Design Thinking for Business: Creative Solutions for Complex Problems 

*For business majors with an HCII minor or additional major the requirement is waived and students are required to take 2 courses from 70-385, 70-443, 70-481, 70-482. 

Choose 1 course from:
70-385 Consumer Behavior
70-443 Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy
70-481 Marketing Research
70-482 Pricing Strategy

Strategic Management

70-437 Strategic Management and Innovation

Choose 3 remaining courses from:
70-387 Strategy for High-Tech Products and Services
70-341 Team Dynamics and Leadership
70-342 Managing Across Cultures
70-385 Consumer Behavior
70-424 Corporate Financial and Sustainability Reporting
70-432 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Business Strategy

Additional Major in Business Administration

Students are eligible to apply for the Additional Major in Business Administration after completion of the Minor in Business Administration requirements plus 21-120 Differential and Integral Calculus and 70-207 Probability and Statistics for Business Applications (or equivalent course). 


The following courses are required for the Additional Major:

Business Foundations

Mathematics Units
21-120Differential and Integral Calculus10
or 21-111
Calculus I
and Calculus II
21-256Multivariate Analysis9
or 21-254 Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus for Engineers
or 21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
70-257Optimization for Business9
or 21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
or 21-292 Operations Research I
73-102Principles of Microeconomics9
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
73-103Principles of Macroeconomics9
73-230Intermediate Microeconomics9
or 73-240 Intermediate Macroeconomics
70-207Probability and Statistics for Business Applications9
or 36-200 Reasoning with Data
70-208Regression Analysis9
or 36-202 Methods for Statistics & Data Science

Business Core

70-110Business Computing9
70-122Introduction to Accounting9
70-311Organizational Behavior9
70-332Business, Society and Ethics9
70-340Business Communications9
70-345Business Presentations9
70-371Operations Management9
70-381Marketing I9
70-401Management Game12

Business Electives

Students must also complete a minimum of 18 units with a maximum of 21 units in Business courses (70-3xx). The electives cannot include the Business Leadership Endeavor courses (70-104 Business Leadership Endeavor I70-204 Business Leadership Endeavor II70-304 Business Leadership Endeavor III​) and Independent Study/Internship courses.

Double-Counting Restriction

Students pursuing the additional major may double-count two courses with any other major or minor requirements and are allowed unlimited double-counts for the business foundation courses. There are no double counting restrictions between the additional major and a student's home college general education requirements.


The Tepper School offers several minor options for students interested in studying business: Business Administration, Business Analytics and Optimization, Financial Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Product Management.

The minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is offered by the Tepper School through the Integrated Design, Arts, and Technology (IDeATe) network. Students must follow IDeATe policies and procedures for this minor.


Students are eligible to apply for a minor upon completion of two required courses for the minor wherein they earn a 2.0 QPA or higher in said courses. 


While there are no double counting restrictions between the minor and the student's home college general education requirements, only one minor course may double-count with any other major or minor requirements. The Minor in Operations and Supply Chain Management allows an additional double-count for a total of 2 courses that may double-count with any other major or minor requirements.

Minor in Business Administration


70-100Global Business 19
70-122Introduction to Accounting9
73-102Principles of Microeconomics 29
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated

1 70-100 Global Business is intended for first-year and sophomore students only. Juniors and seniors who did not complete 70-100 and pursue the business minor replace the course with a constrained elective. 70-106 Business Science can substitute for 70-100 only if 70-106 has already been completed by a former primary business major.
2 If a student successfully passes the 73-102 waiver, this requirement is waived and the student must take an additional 9 units of either constrained or business electives as defined by the minor.

Constrained Elective (choose one):

70-311Organizational Behavior9
70-371Operations Management9
70-381Marketing I9

Business Electives: 18 units of 70-3xx courses.

  • The electives cannot include: the Business Leadership Endeavor courses (70-104 Business Leadership Endeavor I70-204 Business Leadership Endeavor II70-304 Business Leadership Endeavor III), 70-207 Probability and Statistics for Business Applications, 70-208 Regression Analysis, and Independent Study/Internship courses.

Note: Students with a primary major in Information Systems using the Business Administration minor to complete the Information Systems concentration have restricted course options by the Information Systems major and should consult with their primary major advisor. 

Minor in Business Analytics & Optimization

Students working toward the minor must take a Multivariate Calculus prerequisite course: 21-256 Multivariate Analysis or 21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions or 21-254 Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus for Engineers.

Modeling Uncertainty (choose one):
70-207Probability and Statistics for Business Applications9
36-200Reasoning with Data9
36-220Engineering Statistics and Quality Control9
36-225Introduction to Probability Theory9
Business Analytics and Optimization Core (required):
70-467Machine Learning for Business Analytics9
or 70-374 Data Mining & Business Analytics
or 15-388 Practical Data Science
70-257Optimization for Business9
or 21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
or 21-292 Operations Research I
70-469End to End Business Analytics9
Business Foundations Elective (choose one):
70-122Introduction to Accounting9
70-311Organizational Behavior9
70-371Operations Management9
70-381Marketing I9
73-102Principles of Microeconomics 19
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated

1Students may not use the 73-102 prerequisite waiver to satisfy this requirement.

Technical Elective (choose one):

70-208Regression Analysis9
70-374Data Mining & Business Analytics9
70-455Data Management Fundamentals9
70-458Advanced Data Management9
70-460Mathematical Models for Consulting9
70-462Uncertainty and Risk Modeling9
70-467Machine Learning for Business Analytics9
73-374Econometrics II9
15-388Practical Data Science9

Minor in Financial Management


70-493Valuation and Financial Modeling9
70-207Probability and Statistics for Business Applications9
or 36-200 Reasoning with Data
or 36-220 Engineering Statistics and Quality Control
or 36-218 Probability Theory for Computer Scientists
or 36-225 Introduction to Probability Theory

Elective Courses (choose three):

70-398International Finance9
70-428Financial Statement Analysis9
70-492Investment Analysis9
70-495Corporate Finance9
73-103Principles of Macroeconomics9
73-337Business of Blockchain9
21-270Introduction to Mathematical Finance9

Minor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IDeATe)

The minor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship is offered by the Tepper School of Business as part of the Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology network. Innovation & Entrepreneurship is for thinkers, dreamers, problem solvers, and realists. Students quickly learn the myth of the lone creative genius is just that, a myth, and the most transformative ideas and viable businesses come from creativity and repeatable innovation processes, business strategies and models, focused work, and a commitment to tackling real-world problems to bring value to people and the market. Through multidisciplinary coursework and a diverse cadre of faculty experts in business, technology, engineering, and design you will learn how to research, ideate, visualize, and strategize taking an idea or venture forward from multiple perspectives and collaborations. You can expect to expand as a critical thinker while adding hard and soft skills in your toolkit through hands-on learning experiences.

Specifically, you will take courses that emphasize:

  • Experiential learning by doing through real-world problems, scenarios, case studies, etc.
  • Critical thinking skills to understand problems, analyze strategies, determine approaches
  • Multidisciplinary teamwork and collaboration
  • Innovation processes, business models, strategies, and approaches
  • 2D and 3D prototyping and visualizing of concepts and solutions

The IDeATe undergraduate curriculum consists of ten areas, all of which can also be taken as minors. The themes of these areas integrate knowledge in technology and arts: Game Design, Animation & Special Effects, Media Design, Design for Learning, Sonic Arts, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Intelligent Environments, Physical Computing, Soft Technologies, and Immersive Technologies in Arts & Culture. For more information about IDeATe, please see the Undergraduate Options section of the Catalog.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Minor Requirements

Innovation Entrepreneurial Mindset Course
70-246Innovation & Entrepreneurial Mindset6
One Portal Course
For students without prior design or product design experience, one of the following: Units
15-294Special Topic: Rapid Prototyping Technologies5
15-394Intermediate Rapid Prototyping5
51-236Information Design9
62-478IDeATe: digiTOOL9
For students without prior programming or computer science experience: Units
15-104Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice10
One Entrepreneurship Course
70-415Introduction to Entrepreneurship9
One Venture Creation Course
70-395Funding Entrepreneurial Ventures9
70-416New Venture Creation9
One Innovation Process Course
70-438Commercialization and Innovation9
One Product Development Course
49-300Integrated Product Conceptualization12

Multiple possibilities, including:


No more than two minor courses may double-count toward a student's major core requirements or an additional minor's core requirements.

Minor in Operations & Supply Chain Management


73-102Principles of Microeconomics 19
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
70-371Operations Management9
70-257Optimization for Business9
or 21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
or 21-292 Operations Research I
70-471Supply Chain Management9
70-460Mathematical Models for Consulting9
or 70-477 Real Options: Creating Value Beyond NPV

1If a student successfully passes the 73-102 waiver, this requirement is waived and the student must take an additional 9 units of business electives (70-3xx). The electives cannot include the Business Leadership Endeavor courses (70-104 Business Leadership Endeavor I70-204 Business Leadership Endeavor II70-304 Business Leadership Endeavor III), 70-207 Probability and Statistics for Business Applications, 70-208 Regression Analysis and Independent Study/Internship courses.

Engineering Project Management (choose one):

06-421Chemical Process Systems Design12
12-411Project Management for Engineering and Construction9
18-540Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems12
18-578Mechatronic Design12
19-451-19-452EPP Projects I-II12
24-370Mechanical Design: Methods and Applications12
42-402BME Design Project9
88-451-88-452Policy Analysis Senior Project-Policy Analysis Senior Project12

Minor in Product Management


70-381Marketing I9
70-387Strategy for High-Tech Products and Services9
70-452Introduction to Product Management9
73-102Principles of Microeconomics *9
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
* If a student successfully passes the 73-102 waiver, this requirement is waived and the student must take an additional 9 units of minor coursework. 

Course in Design Thinking (choose one):

70-389Design Thinking for Business: Creative Solutions for Complex Problems9
05-391Designing Human Centered Software12
05-410User-Centered Research and Evaluation12

Marketing Course (choose one):

70-385Consumer Behavior9
70-481Marketing Research9
70-482Pricing Strategy9
70-483Advertising and Marketing Communications9
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