Minors Offered by the College of Fine Arts

The College of Fine Arts offers minors in Architecture, Art, Design, Drama, and Music to students from other colleges at Carnegie Mellon University. These minors allow students at Carnegie Mellon to take courses and develop a direction for electives in any of the five schools in CFA. Students in the College of Fine Arts may also earn minors outside of their major within other schools in the College. They may also study any of the minors offered by the other colleges to the University at large, thus taking advantage of the broad educational opportunities available at Carnegie Mellon University.

Minors Offered by the College of Fine Arts:

  • Architectural Design Fabrication (available only to B. Arch candidates)
  • Architectural Representation and Visualization (available also to B. Arch candidates)
  • Architectural Technology
  • Architecture
  • Architecture History (available also to B. Arch candidates)
  • Art
  • Building Science (available only to B. Arch candidates)
  • Collaborative Piano (available only to Piano majors in the School of Music)
  • Conducting (available only to students in the School of Music)
  • Design
  • Drama
  • History of the Arts
  • Media Design (IDeATe)
  • Music
  • Music Education (available only to students in the School of Music)
  • Music Technology
  • Music Theory
  • Musicology
  • Photography
  • Sonic Arts (IDeATe)

Guidelines for students are: 1) except where so designated, CFA students are not eligible to earn a minor in their own school; students from outside CFA may earn a minor in any school in CFA; 2) faculty advisors in the student's home school (in consultation with the academic officer of the other unit involved) will advise students as to the structuring of the courses in each minor; 3) a minor is not to be considered an overload; rather, through the assistance of faculty advisors it should be integrated into a student's overall units required for graduation; 4) the advisors will also monitor the student's development in these minors and keep records in their files which indicate the fulfillment of the course requirements in the minors, as well as in the majors in the student's own school. Courses listed as possible for the minors may be available, but not all courses are offered every semester. Students should consult with their advisors.

Students interested in earning a minor in any of the CFA schools should contact: Architecture: Heather Workinger; Art: Keni Jefferson; Design: Melissa Cicozi; Drama: Valeria McCrary; Music: Sharon Johnston; IDeATe: Kelly Delaney.

Architecture Minors

For the most up-to-date list of architecture-related minors, see: https://soa.cmu.edu/minors

Minor in Architecture

Available to non-architecture majors only (minimum 54 units total)

This sequence is for candidates who intend to develop intellectual links to the architectural profession. The scope of courses offered includes a full spectrum of professional issues in architecture. 

Prerequisite Courses9 units

79-104Global Histories
or course 62-110 or 62-106

Required Courses19-24 units

48-100Architecture Design Studio: POIESIS STUDIO 112
or 48-095 Spatial Concepts for Non-Architecture Majors
48-240History of World Architecture, I9

Elective Courses*26-31 units

62-125Drawing I6
62-126Drawing II6
62-122Digital Media I6
62-123Digital Media II6
48-215Materials & Assembly9
48-380Real Estate for Architects6
48-381Issues of Practice6
48-383Ethics and Decision Making in Architecture6
48-xxxArchitecture History (Pre-Approval of coursework required)9
48-xxxArchitecture Elective (Pre-Approval of coursework required)9

Minimum Units: 54

*Students should consult the Architecture advisor regarding elective choices.

Minor in Architecture History

Available to both architecture majors (63 total units total) and non-architecture majors (54 total units total)

This sequence is intended for candidates interested in the history of architecture in its many manifestations, including high style and vernacular buildings, western and non-western traditions, built and theoretical works, and rural to urban contexts.  Non-architecture majors are required to take 54 units of architectural history.  Architecture majors wishing to minor in Architectural History must fulfill the three core required courses in architectural history, plus four additional architectural history electives, for a total of 63 units.  Students wishing to pursue the minor should meet with the Architecture advisor to determine if a course is eligible.   

Required Courses18 units

48-240History of World Architecture, I9
48-241History of Modern Architecture9

Selective Courses36 units/45 units

Students should consult the Architecture advisor regarding elective choices.

Minimum Units: 54 (non-architecture majors)
Minimum Units: 63 (architecture majors)

Minor in Architectural Representation and Visualization

Available to both architecture majors (63 total units total) and non-architecture majors (54 total units total)

The Minor in Architectural Representation and Media is intended for those students that want to deepen their knowledge in architectural representation and media and for those who are interested in gaining advanced placement (AMP) in the M.S. programs offered by the School in the areas of Computational Design (MSCD). It is earned by completing the four required media courses and then an additional three elective courses in these areas. Architecture majors wishing to pursue a Minor in Architectural Representation and Visualization must complete the required 33 units and at least an additional 30 units to fulfill the minor for a total of 63 units.

Required Courses24 units

62-122Digital Media I6
62-123Digital Media II6
62-125Drawing I6
62-126Drawing II6

Selective Courses30-39 units

48-568Advanced CAD, BIM, and 3D Visualization9
48-724Scripting and Parametric Design10
48-3xxArchitectural Drawing Elective (Pre-Approval of coursework required)9
48-xxxArchitectural Representation/Visualization Elective: (Pre-Approval of coursework required)9
48-xxxArchitectural Representation/Visualization Elective: (Pre-Approval of coursework required)9

Minimum Units: 54 (non-architecture majors)

Minimum Units: 63 (architecture majors)

Minor in Architectural Technology

Available to non-architecture majors only (minimum 54 units total)

This sequence is for candidates who intend to develop intellectual links to the technical aspects of the profession.  

Prerequisite Courses22 units

33-141Physics I for Engineering Students12
21-120Differential and Integral Calculus10

Selective Courses32 units

48-116Introduction to Building Performance3
48-215Materials & Assembly9
48-315Environment I: Climate & Energy in Architecture9
48-432Environment II: Design Integration of Active Building Systems9
48-752Zero Energy Housing9
48-xxxArchitectural Technology Elective (pre-approval required)

Minimum Units: 54

Minor in Building Science

Available to architecture majors only (minimum 54 units total)

The Minor in Building Science is intended for those students that want to deepen their knowledge in the building sciences and for those who are interested in gaining advanced placement (AMP) in the M.S. programs offered by the School in the areas of Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD) and Sustainable Design (MSSD). It is earned by completing the two required building technology and three environmental science courses and then an additional three elective courses in the building sciences.

Required Course12 units

48-722Building Performance Modeling12

Selective Courses45 units

48-721Building Controls and Diagnostics12
48-723Performance of Advanced Building SystemsVar.
48-729Sustainability, Health and Productivity to Accelerate a Quality Built Environmen9-12
48-749Special Topics in Computational Design6
48-752Zero Energy Housing9

Minimum Units: 54. 

Minor in Architectural Design Fabrication

Available to architecture majors only (minimum 63 units total)

The Minor in Architectural Design Fabrication is intended for those who wish to develop focused, disciplinary expertise in both analog and digital material methods for shaping the built environment and become involved in a community of practice dedicated to a rigorous pursuit of making as a mode of architectural research and cultural expression. It is also for students interested in gaining advanced placement in the SoA's Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD) program.

Required Courses30 units

48-531Fabricating Customization: Prototype9
48-545Design Fabrication9
48-555Introduction to Architectural Robotics9
48-xxxASO Studio with digital fabrication focus18

Selective Courses30 units

48-470The Depth of Surface9
48-473Hand and Machine Joinery, New Directions9
48-xxxDesign Fabrication Independent Study3-9
xx-xxxPre-approved design fabrication course

Minimum Units: 63. 

Minor in Computational Design

Available to both architecture majors and non-architecture majors (minimum 54 units total)

The minor in Computational Design is intended for students who wish to engage with computation as a vehicle of generative, material, and spatial design exploration. It brings together courses from the School of Architecture and the College of Fine Arts to offer students hands-on experience, and a deep understanding, of computation as a resource in creative design practices. Students minoring in computational design will be eligible for advanced standing in the School of Architecture’s Master of Science in Computational Design (MSCD) program.  The minor offers students the possibility of exploring three areas of computational design: designing, making, and theory. Please refer to this document for the latest information. 

Required Courses30 units

62-122Digital Media I6
62-123Digital Media II6
62-225Generative Modeling9
62-275Fundamentals of Computational Design9

Selective Courses24 units

48-568Advanced CAD, BIM, and 3D Visualization9
51-367Design Center: Computational Design Thinking9
48-530Human-Machine Virtuosity12
48-545Design Fabrication9
48-555Introduction to Architectural Robotics9
54-399Decoding Media9
54-405Digital Narratives5
48-727Inquiry into Computational Design
48-749Special Topics in Computational Design6

Minimum Units: 54.


Art Minor

The Art minor allows undergraduate students outside of the School of Art to pursue a largely studio-based minor in addition to their primary degree. Students can narrowly focus their interest or explore a number of mediums.

To declare an Art minor, students should contact Keni Jefferson (kjefferson@cmu.edu), in the College of Fine Arts, room 300. A portfolio is not required.


60-110Foundations: Time-Based Media10
60-120Foundations: Digital Media10
60-131Foundations: Sculpture10
60-135Foundations: Sculpture II10
60-137Ceramics for Non-Majors10
60-150Foundations: Drawing10
60-157Drawing for Non-Majors10
60-170Foundations: Paint/Print10


60-2xxIntermediate Studio Electives10
60-4xxAdvanced ETB: Electives10
60-4xxAdvanced SIS: Electives10
60-4xxAdvanced DP3: Electives10
60-4xxAdvanced CP: Electives10

Critical Studies (choose one)9 units

60-105Cultural History of the Visual Arts9
60-3xxCritical Theory Elective9

Minimum units: 59

Media Design Minor – IDeATe

The minor in Media Design is offered by the School of Art as part of the Integrative Design, Arts and Technology (IDeATe) network. IDeATe offers students the opportunity to become immersed in a collaborative community of faculty and peers who share expertise, experience, and passions at the intersection of arts and technology. Students will engage in active "learning by doing" in shared labs and maker spaces. The program addresses current and emerging real-world challenges that require disciplinary expertise coupled with multidisciplinary perspectives and collaborative integrative approaches.

The IDeATe undergraduate curriculum consists of ten areas, all of which can also be taken as minors. The themes of these areas integrate knowledge in technology and arts: Game Design, Animation & Special Effects, Media Design, Design for Learning, Sonic Arts, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Intelligent Environments, Physical Computing, Soft Technologies, and Immersive Technologies in Arts & Culture. For more information about the IDeATe network, please see Undergraduate Options.

The IDeATe Media Design minor invites students on a wide-ranging exploration of the digital media landscape. This multifaceted program encourages a holistic engagement with media technologies and practices, offering an opportunity to embrace the full breadth of media arts disciplines within the IDeATe network. Students gain the skills to design experiences across various platforms, from mobile devices to performances and large-scale installations, while gaining an understanding of how technology and content relate in new media systems, and how meanings are made in these evolving forms.

The flexibility inherent in the Media Design minor allows students to create a learning pathway that mirrors their unique interests, integrating elements from the other IDeATe minors. This approach makes it an ideal option for students who wish to experience the broad tapestry of digital media arts or those yet to pinpoint their exact focus within this dynamic field. The Media Design minor therefore cultivates versatile media practitioners, ready to innovate within the diverse and rapidly evolving digital media arena.


One Computing Course - Minimum of 9 Units
15-104Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice10
15-110Principles of Computing10
15-112Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science12
60-212Intermediate Studio: Creative Coding12
One IDeATe Portal Course - Minimum of 9 Units
62-150IDeATe Portal: Introduction to Media Synthesis and Analysis
Recommended Portal Course for this area
16-223IDeATe Portal: Creative Kinetic Systems10
18-090Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts10
53-322IDeATe: Little Games/Big Stories: Indie Roleplaying Game Studio9
60-125IDeATe: Introduction to 3D Animation Pipeline12
60-223IDeATe Portal: Introduction to Physical Computing10
82-250Digital Realities: Introducing Immersive Technologies for Arts and Culture9
99-361IDeATe Portal9
IDeATe Media Design Courses - Minimum of 27 Units
05/18-540Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems12
15-294Special Topic: Rapid Prototyping Technologies5
15-394Intermediate Rapid Prototyping5
16/54-375IDeATe: Robotics for Creative Practice10
24-672Special Topics in DIY Design and Fabrication12
51-236Information Design9
51-400Transition Design9
53-250Immersive Experience Pre-production Process9
53-312Guest Experience in Theme Park Design9
53-376360 Story and Sound12
53-558Reality Computing Studio12
54-399Decoding Media9
60-110Foundations: Time-Based Media10
60-428Advanced ETB: Drawing with Machines12
60-461Advanced ETB: Experimental Capture12
62-362IDeATe: Electronic Logics && Creative Practice12
62-478IDeATe: digiTOOL9
67-240Mobile Web Design & Development9
67-265Design Fundamentals: Shaping Interactions and Experiences9
67-338Information & Grid Design9
76-374Mediated Narrative9
82-285Podcasting: Language and Culture Through Storytelling9
Additional course options as available. Please refer to the IDeATe website for courses for the current and upcoming semester.

Students may double-count up to two of their Media Design minor courses toward requirements for other majors or minors.

Design Minor

Minoring in Design is a great way for students to diversify their studies and incorporate design skills and thinking into their overall academic experiences. Students who are already School of Design majors are not eligible to earn a Design minor. The 54 required units must be unique to the Design minor. No courses may be double counted.

Requirements and Electives

For a design minor, students must complete 54 units: 27 units of required courses, plus 27 units of design electives.

Required Design Courses

Three required courses:
51-262Design Center: CD Fundamentals: Design for Interactions for Communications
(formerly CDF)
or 51-261 Design Center: Communication & Digital Design Fundamentals
51-264Design Center: Product Design Fundamentals: Design for Interactions for Products
(formerly IDF)
51-173Design Center: Human Experience in Design9
Three Design Electives:
51-xxxDesign Elective9
51-xxxDesign Elective9
51-xxxDesign Elective9


Students must submit transcripts, personal statements, and completed applications by the beginning of February, and submit portfolios or design projects by the beginning of March. They must also obtain permission to complete minors from their major advisors. The minor application form includes detailed requirements.

Admission depends mainly on a student’s demonstration of design skills and aptitude. Students are notified of acceptance by the end of March.

If you are interested in applying for the Minor in Design, please contact Design Advisor, Melissa Cicozi. You can download the Design Project and Application at www.design.cmu.edu, or paper applications are available at the School of Design office, MMCH 110.

Drama Minor

The Drama minor provides students with a well-rounded opportunity to obtain preliminary professional exposure to the theatre arts. Courses may involve acting, directing, playwriting, design, production technology and management, and dramatic literature courses. Students also become involved with Drama productions by signing up for Production for Non-Majors, which involves evening crew work on various Drama productions.

Admission Requirements
  1. Students must apply to enter the program in the office of the Drama Academic Advisor.
  2. The student must successfully pass one Drama course prior to being considered for minor status.
Required Courses25 units
54-163Production for Non Majors
(needs to be taken twice for a total of 12 units)
54-175Conservatory Hour1
54-177Foundations of Drama I6
54-281Foundations of Drama II6

Students must meet with the School of Drama Production Manager (PCA 224) for assignments related to Production for Non-Majors.

Elective Courses30 units

The remainder of the minor is fulfilled with Drama courses of the student’s choosing, with approval from the Drama Academic Advisor. For certain courses, students may need instructor permission to register.

SAMPLE: Selected Elective Courses not requiring instructor permission:
54-187Writing the Adaptation for Stage and Screen9
54-190Creating the Choreopoem9
54-191Acting for Non-Majors9
54-193Acting for Non-Majors: Improv9
54-196Harvesting Personal Narratives: A Writing Workshop9
SAMPLE: Selected Elective Courses requiring instructor permission:
54-109Dramaturgy 1: Approaches to Text9
54-121Directing I: A Director's Mindset9
54-157Production Science6
54-169Studiocraft 113
54-171Basic Design 16

Additional Drama Courses are available by instructor agreement and may require an audition, interview, or portfolio review. Students should contact the Drama Academic Advisor, to inquire about permission for specific courses in which they are interested.

Minimum units required: 55

Music Minors

Minor in Music

This sequence is for candidates who are majors from any discipline in the university other than music who have some background in music and would like to know more about music.

Admission Requirements:

1.  The student must apply online to enter the program by submitting the minor application that is available here on the Current Students website.

Prerequisite Course0–3 units

Beginning Piano for Minors is required of students who do not pass a beginning piano proficiency test.

57-294Beginning Piano Test0
57-329Beginning Piano for Minors3

Required Music Courses25 units

Basic Harmony I and/or Basic Solfege I are required of students who do not qualify for entrance into Harmony I and/or Solfege I, based on their scores on the theory and solfege placement tests.  These classes fulfill the harmony and solfege requirements.

57-152Harmony I9
57-161Eurhythmics I3
57-181Solfege I3
57-173Survey of Western Music History9
57-188Repertoire and Listening for Musicians1

Required Studio Courses (studio fee is charged)24 units

57-1xxElective Studio6
57-1xxElective Studio6
57-1xxElective Studio6
57-1xxElective Studio6

Elective Courses18 units

Elective courses are to be chosen from those courses listed for the School of Music in the current course catalog. Performance electives are encouraged. (An audition is required for all School of Music performance ensembles.)

Minimum units required: 67

Minor in Music Technology

This sequence is for candidates who are majors from any discipline in the university who have some background in music and would like to know more about music technology.

Note: Students in the School of Music have slightly different requirements for the Minor in Music Technology. See School of Music.

Admission Requirements

 1. The student must apply online to enter the program by submitting the minor application that is available here on the Current Students website.

Prerequisite Course0–3 units

Beginning Piano for Minors is required of students who do not pass a beginning piano proficiency test.

57-294Beginning Piano Test0
57-329Beginning Piano for Minors3

Required Music Courses25 units

Basic Harmony I and/or Basic Solfege I are required of students who do not qualify for entrance into Harmony I and/or Solfege I, based on their scores on the theory and solfege placement tests.  These classes fulfill the harmony and solfege requirements.

57-152Harmony I9
57-161Eurhythmics I3
57-173Survey of Western Music History9
57-181Solfege I3
57-188Repertoire and Listening for Musicians1

Sound Recording Courses21 units

57-337Sound Recording6
57-338Sound Editing and Mastering6
57-438Multitrack Recording9

Music Technology/Sound Courses (choose at least three)21 units

Choose at least three courses. One of the three courses must be either Introduction to Computer Music or Electronic and Computer Music.  (Note that 15-112 is a prerequisite for 15-322; 57-101 or 57-171 is a prerequisite for 57-347.)  Other courses may be taken with the permission of the music technology minor advisor.

15-104Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice10
15-322Introduction to Computer Music9
18-090Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts10
33-114Physics of Musical Sound9
54-166Introduction to Sound Design for Theatre6
57-344Experimental Sound Synthesis9
57-347Electronic and Computer Music6
57-478Survey of Historical Recording6
57-421Exploded Ensemble6

Minimum units required: 67

Minor in Music Theory

This sequence is for candidates who are majors from any discipline in the university who have some background in music and would like to know more about music theory.

Note: Students in the School of Music have slightly different requirements for the Minor in Music Theory. See School of Music.

Admission Requirements

1. The student must apply online to enter the program by submitting the minor application that is available here on the Current Students website.

Prerequisite Course0–3 units

Beginning Piano for Minors is required of students who do not pass a beginning piano proficiency test.

57-294Beginning Piano Test0
57-329Beginning Piano for Minors3

Required Music Courses25 units

Basic Harmony I and/or Basic Solfege I are required of students who do not qualify for entrance into Harmony I and/or Solfege I, based on their scores on the theory and solfege placement tests.  These classes fulfill the harmony and solfege requirements. 

57-152Harmony I9
57-161Eurhythmics I3
57-173Survey of Western Music History9
57-181Solfege I3
57-188Repertoire and Listening for Musicians1

Required Theory Courses21 units

57-151Counterpoint in Theory and Application6
57-153Harmony II9
57-408Form and Analysis6

Upper Level Theory Course (choose one)6 units

See theory courses on the Music Support Courses Two-Year Rotation list.  It is available here on the Current Student website.  A graduate course may be taken with the permission of the instructor.

Elective Courses18 units

Elective courses are to be chosen from those courses listed for the School of Music in the current course catalog.

Minimum units required: 70

Sonic Arts Minor – IDeATe

Sonic Art is a creative expression that uses sound as its primary medium. Just as visual artists create landscapes, portraits, and narratives through light, color, and form, sonic artists craft transformative experiences through sound, noise, and music.

Students in the Sonic Arts minor explore the processes and products of digital sound design and music production. They receive basic training in key component areas: principles of computer music, sound synthesis, spatialization, and core practices in sound design. Combining this training with courses that bring together experts from many disciplines, they create experimental music and explore emerging applications and markets for sound design, music creation, and performance.



One Computing Course - Minimum of 9 Units
15-104Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice10
15-110Principles of Computing10
15-112Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science12
60-212Intermediate Studio: Creative Coding12
One IDeATe Portal Course - Minimum of 9 Units
18-090Twisted Signals: Multimedia Processing for the Arts
Other IDeATe Portal Course by permission only. Consult the IDeATe advisor.
IDeATe Sonic Arts Courses - Minimum of 27 Units
15-322Introduction to Computer Music9
33-114Physics of Musical Sound9
54-166Introduction to Sound Design for Theatre6
54-267Conceptual Sound Design9
54-509Theatrical Sound System Design 29
57-337Sound Recording6
57-344/60-407Experimental Sound Synthesis9
57-347Electronic and Computer Music6
57-358Introduction to Electronic Music
portfolio required for registration
57-359Audiovisual Composition9
57-421Exploded Ensemble6
57-458Business of Music6
Additional course options as available. Please refer to the IDeATe website for courses for the current and upcoming semester.

Students may double-count up to two of their Sonic Arts minor courses for other requirements.

CFA Dean's Office Minors

Minor in the History of Arts

This minor of six or more courses as designated below, offers students flexibility to engage in a broad survey in the arts or can be tailored to reflect a more specific area of interest. For College of Fine Arts students, all courses meeting the requirements of the Minor in the History of the Arts must be taken outside of their major School, with the exception of the School of Architecture. Interested students should contact Dan Barrett (dbarrett@andrew.cmu.edu) in the College of Fine Arts, Room 100.

Introductory Level Courses27 units

(choose at least three, CFA students pick 3 outside of major)

48-240History of World Architecture, I9
48-241History of Modern Architecture9
54-239History of Architecture and Decor 1: Ancients to GothicVar.
54-240History of Architecture and Decor 2: Renaissance to the 21st CenturyVar.
54-245Who Wore What: When, Where, and Why
(instructor permission only)
54-246Who Wore What: When, Where, Why II
(instructor permission only)
57-173Survey of Western Music History
(coreq: 57-188)
57-188Repertoire and Listening for Musicians
(coreq of 57-173)
60-105Cultural History of the Visual Arts
(instructor permission only)
60-106Critical Theory in Art II9

Intermediate/Advanced Level Courses27 units

(choose at least three, CFA students pick 3 outside of major)*

48-348Architectural History of Mexico & Guatemala9
48-374History of Architecture in the Islamic World- A Primer
(prereq: 48-240)
48-440American Regions & Regionalism: An Architectural History of Place, Time, and Cul
(prereq: 48-240)
51-376Semantics & Aesthetics4.5
57-209The Beatles9
57-476How Music Works: An Affective History6
57-477Music of the Spirit6
57-478Survey of Historical Recording6
57-480History of Black American Music6
57-485History of the Symphony9
Art Critical Studies Electives: 60-352 to 60-398 (instructor permission only)9
62-360/79-328Photographers and Photography Since World War II9
62-371/79-316Photography, The First 100 Years, 1839-19399
79-395The Arts in Pittsburgh9

Minimum units required for minor: 54

*Other courses not on this list may qualify as approved by CFA Dean's Office (College of Fine Arts, Room 100).

Minor in Photography

The Photography Minor exposes students to the breadth of offerings from traditional photography (i.e. film exposure and silver printing) to digital shooting and output.  The student will become familiar with photography’s craft, its history and significant practitioners, and develop their own distinct engagement with the medium.

Students may apply for the Photography Minor after they have taken a beginning photography course.  Students will be admitted to the minor based on their aptitude, appropriate level of photography skills, and space availability within the program.  Once admitted, students will be assigned a faculty advisor who will help them determine a sequence of courses that best fits their needs and interests.

Application Requirements

The application process for the Photography Minor requires submission of: a completed application form signed by the home department advisor, a personal statement, and a portfolio of photographs.  Contact the CFA Photography Administrator, Jamie Gruzska (gruzska@andrew.cmu.edu), MM B18, for further information and an application form. Applications are processed every semester.

Photography Required Courses (3)minimum 30 units

62/60-141Black and White Photography I *10
62/60-142Digital Photography I10
62/60-241Black and White Photography II10

Photography Elective (1)minimum 10 units

Choose one (1) or more additional photography courses from the list below in consultation with the photo advisor; consult Jamie Gruzska for current offerings. 

62-208Alternative Photography: Contemporary Antiquarian Printmaking5
62-214Photography and the Narrative of Place5
62-235Photographing America10
62-245Portrait Photography10
62-375Large Format Photography: The Antiquarian Avant-Garde10
62-471Photography/ Print Workshop10
62-479Photography: Picturing Identity10

Photo History Required Course (1)minimum 9 units

62-371Photography, The First 100 Years, 1839-1939 *9
or 62-360 Photographers and Photography Since World War II

History, Theory, or Criticism of the Visual Arts Elective (1)minimum 9 units

Choose one (1) additional History, Theory or Criticism of the Arts course in consultation with the photo advisor.  A second Photo History course (62-360 or 62-371) can be used for this requirement.

*or course approved by the photography advisor

Minimum units required for minor: 58

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