Department of Biomedical Engineering

Keith E. Cook, Department Head and The David Edward Schramm Professor

Jana Kainerstorfer, Associate Department Head for Faculty and Graduate Affairs

Location: Scott Hall 4N201

Biomedical Engineering Overview

Biomedical Engineering education at Carnegie Mellon University reflects the belief that a top biomedical engineer must be deeply trained in both a traditional engineering practice and biomedical sciences. The unique additional major in Biomedical Engineering program leverages extensive collaborations with sister departments in the College of Engineering and with major medical institutions in Pittsburgh. This collaborative approach, combined with a rigorous engineering education, confers unique depth and breadth to the education of Biomedical Engineering graduates. The Biomedical Engineering department also offers an additional major in Biomedical Technology, which is open to all non-engineering students who want training beyond the Biomedical Engineering minor. The additional major curricula, demanding but readily feasible to complete in four years, are highly rewarding to motivated students.

Additional Major in Biomedical Engineering (BME) for Engineering Majors

Students who elect Biomedical Engineering as a major must also declare a major in one of the traditional engineering disciplines. The Biomedical Engineering additional major program takes advantage of curricular overlaps between Biomedical Engineering and primary Engineering majors, such that the additional major can be completed in four years with only a modest increase in course requirements. The requirements for Biomedical Engineering additional major program consist of the core, the tracks, and the capstone design course. The core exposes students to basic facets of biomedical engineering to lay a foundation. The tracks allow students to build depth in a specific aspect of biomedical engineering. The capstone design project engages students in teamwork to develop real-world devices and technologies. The additional major in Biomedical Engineering should be declared at the same time when declaring a traditional engineering major.

Additional Major in Biomedical Technology (BMT) for Non-engineering Majors

The Biomedical Technology major is open to all non-engineering studentsBiomedical Technology is for students from non-engineering majors who want Biomedical Engineering training beyond the BME minor. The requirements for the Biomedical Technology additional major program consist of the core, the tracks, and the capstone design course. The core exposes students to basic facets of biomedical engineering to lay a foundation. The tracks allow students to build depth in a specific aspect of biomedical engineering. The capstone design project engages students in teamwork to develop real-world applications. The additional major in Biomedical Technology should be declared at the same time when declaring a primary major or by the second semester of the first year.

Minor in Biomedical Engineering

The minor program is designed for students who desire exposure to biomedical engineering but may not have the time to pursue the Biomedical Engineering additional major. The program is open to students of all colleges and is popular among both engineering and science majors. In conjunction with other relevant courses, the program may provide a sufficient background for jobs or graduate studies in biomedical engineering. Students interested in a medical career may also find this program helpful.

Additional Major in Biomedical Engineering (BME) for Engineering Majors


Students who elect Biomedical Engineering (BME) as a major must also declare a major in one of the traditional engineering disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. Students majoring in Biomedical Engineering must meet three sets of requirements: 1) Biomedical Engineering, 2) Primary Major, and 3) General Education. The Quality Point Average (QPA) for courses that count toward the additional major must be 2.00 or better. No course taken on a pass/fail or audit basis may be counted towards the additional major. The additional major should be declared at the same time when declaring a primary major or by the second semester of the first year.

Minimum units required for additional major (Core Courses + Track Electives): 93 - 102

Core Courses

All core courses are required.

03-121Modern Biology9
or 03-151 Honors Modern Biology
42-101Introduction to Biomedical Engineering12
42-201Professional Issues in Biomedical Engineering3
42-203Biomedical Engineering Laboratory #9
42-302Biomedical Engineering Systems Modeling and Analysis9
42-401Foundation of BME Design *6
42-402BME Design Project9
Total units of Core Courses66

# Also known as 03-206 for Health Professions Program students.
42-401 serves as the precursor/pre-requisite for 42-402 BME Design Project.

Track Electives

Completion of one track is required. See Tracks for BME/BMT Major for Track Elective lists.

42-XXXRequired Elective from the selected track9 - 12
XX-XXXRequired or Additional Elective from the selected track9 - 12
XX-XXXRequired or Additional Elective from the selected track9 - 12
Total units of Track Electives27-36

Additional Major in Biomedical Technology (BMT) for Non-Engineering Majors


The Biomedical Technology (BMT) major is open to all non-engineering students. The Biomedical Technology is for students from non-engineering majors who want Biomedical Engineering training beyond the BME minor. Students majoring in Biomedical Technology must meet three sets of requirements: 1) Biomedical Technology, 2) Primary Major, and 3) General Education. The Quality Point Average (QPA) for courses that count toward the additional major must be 2.00 or better. No course taken on a pass/fail or audit basis may be counted towards the additional major. The additional major should be declared at the same time when declaring a primary major or by the second semester of the first year.

Minimum units required for additional major (Core Courses + Track Electives): 84 - 93

Core Courses

All core courses are required.

03-121Modern Biology9
or 03-151 Honors Modern Biology
42-101Introduction to Biomedical Engineering12
42-201Professional Issues in Biomedical Engineering3
42-203Biomedical Engineering Laboratory #9
42-401Foundation of BME Design *6
42-402BME Design Project9
Total units of Core Courses57

# Also known as 03-206 for Health Professions Program students.
42-401 serves as the precursor/pre-requisite for 42-402 BME Design Project.

Track Electives

Completion of one track is required. See Tracks for BME/BMT Major for Track Elective lists.

42-XXXRequired Elective from the selected track9 - 12
XX-XXXRequired or Additional Elective from the selected track9 - 12
XX-XXXRequired or Additional Elective from the selected track9 - 12
Total units of Track Electives27-36

Minor in Biomedical Engineering

Kristin Kropf, Undergraduate Program and Alumni Relations Coordinator, Biomedical Engineering

The minor program is designed for students who desire exposure to biomedical engineering but may not have the time to pursue the Biomedical Engineering additional major. The program is open to students of all colleges and is popular among both engineering and science majors. In conjunction with other relevant courses, the program may provide a sufficient background for jobs or graduate studies in biomedical engineering. Students interested in a medical career may also find this program helpful.

The Biomedical Engineering minor curriculum is comprised of three core courses and three electives. The Quality Point Average (QPA) for courses that count toward the minor must be 2.00 or better. No course taken on a pass/fail or audit basis may be counted towards the minor. 

Students who have questions or are interested in declaring Biomedical Engineering minor should contact Kristin Kropf.


Minimum units required for minor: 57

03-121Modern Biology9
or 03-151 Honors Modern Biology
42-101Introduction to Biomedical Engineering12
42-xxxBME Elective I9-12
42-xxxBME Elective II9-12
42-xxxBME Elective III9-12

A BME Elective is defined as one of the following:

  1. One semester of 42-200 Sophomore BME Research Project, 42-300 Junior BME Research Project, 42-400 Senior BME Research Project or 39-500 Honors Research Project. The project must be supervised by a core or courtesy Biomedical Engineering faculty member and for 9 or more units.  Research projects supervised by a courtesy Biomedical Engineering faculty member must have significant biomedical engineering relevance. Note that BME Research Project can only be count as one BME elective.
  2. 42-203 BME Laboratory (or the cross-listed version 03-206 for students in the Health Professions Program).  Please note that priority for enrollment in 42-203 or 03-206 will be given to students who have declared the Additional Major in Biomedical Engineering. If sufficient room in the course remains after all majors have been accommodated in a given semester, students who have declared the Biomedical Engineering Designated Minor will be given the next priority for enrollment. If space still allows, other students will be enrolled.
  3. Any 42-xxx course with a course number greater than 42-300 and worth at least 9 units (excluding 42-300 and 42-400- see previous comment regarding BME Research Project).

Note that non-BME, track elective courses for BME major do not automatically qualify as BME minor electives. Students can petition the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Affairs Committee to count non-BME classes that have significant biological/medical and engineering contents towards the minor requirements. The course petition form can be found here.

Biomedical Engineering/Technology Tracks

Completion of one track is required.  † Denotes tracks that are not offered to Classes of 2027+.

  • Biomechanics (BMEC)
  • Biomedical Devices (BMDV)
  • Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (BSIP)
  • Neuroengineering (Neuro)
  • Tissue and Cell Biotherapeutics (TCB)
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (BMTE) †
  • Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology (CMBT) †
  • Self-Designed Biomedical Engineering (SBME)

Biomechanics (BMEC) Track


The BMEC track addresses the application of solid or fluid mechanics to biological and medical systems. It provides quantitative understanding of the mechanical behavior of molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and whole organisms. The field has seen a wide range of applications from the optimization of tissue regeneration to the design of surgical and rehabilitation devices. 


The BMEC track is ideally suited to the combined education of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering or Civil & Environmental Engineering. Both provide the necessary foundation in the underlying physical principles and their non-Biomedical Engineering applications. This track may also appeal to students of Electrical & Computer Engineering who are interested in biomedical robotics. Education in biomechanics enables students to pursue careers in medical devices or rehabilitation engineering.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the BMEC Track must take must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required BMEC Elective
  • Two (2) BMEC Electives (either Required or Additional)


Required BMEC Electives (must take at least one of the following)
42-649/24-664Introduction to Biomechanics12
42-648/Cardiovascular Mechanics12
42-645/24-655Cellular Biomechanics9
42-691/24-663Biomechanics of Human Movement12

Additional BMEC Electives
42-641Rehabilitation Engineering9
42-640/24-658Image-Based Computational Modeling and Analysis12
42-444Medical Devices9
42-696/24-665Special Topics: Wearable Health Technologies12
16-868Biomechanics & Motor Control12
16-879Medical Robotics12
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Biomedical Devices (BMDV) Track


The BMDV track studies design, construction, and testing of devices at the interface of medicine and engineering. The topics include biomedical sensors, actuators, diagnostic devices, therapeutic devices, instruments, systems, and fundamental topics of device material, device fabrication, and device interaction with biological cells, tissues and organs. The Biomedical Device track will prepare students for leaders in the biomedical device industry and for further education in graduate/medical schools.


The BMDV track will prepare students to be leaders in the biomedical device industry and for further education in graduate/medical schools. It is ideal for students interested in combining the education of Biomedical Engineering with Electrical and Computer Engineering, or with Mechanical Engineering, or with Materials Science & Engineering.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the BMDV Track must take must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required BMDV Elective
  • Two (2) BMDV Electives (either Required or Additional)


Required BMDV Electives (must take at least one of the following)
42-678Medical Device Innovation and Realization12
42-693/18-469Special Topics in Integrated Systems Technology: Micro/Nano Biomedical Devices12
42-694Engineering Principles of Medical Devices9

Additional BMDV Electives
42-433Neural Technology: Sensing and Stimulation 12
42-444Medical Devices9
42-616/27-514Bio-nanotechnology: Principles and Applications9
42-630Introduction to Neural Engineering12
42-641Rehabilitation Engineering9
42-648/Cardiovascular Mechanics12
42-650Introduction to Biomedical Imaging9
42-675Fundamentals of Computational Biomedical Engineering12
42-696/24-665Special Topics: Wearable Health Technologies12
16-467Introduction to Human Robot Interaction12
16-879Medical Robotics12
42-6XXClinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/ Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9
42-X00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Thesis9

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (BSIP) Track


The BSIP track addresses biomedical phenomena based on the information embedded in sensor-detected signals, including digital images and nerve electrical pulses. Students in this track will gain an understanding of the technologies involved in acquiring signals and images, the mathematical principles underlying the processing and analysis of signals, and the applications of signal/image processing methods in basic research and medicine.


This track aligns most naturally with a combined education of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering, which lays a solid foundation in signal processing principles. This track prepares students for careers in medical imaging or smart prosthetics. It also interfaces with many clinical practices including radiology, neurology/neurosurgery, and pathology.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the BSIP Track must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required BSIP elective
  • Two (2) BSIP Electives (either Required or Additional)


Required BSIP Electives (must take at least one of the following)
42-650Introduction to Biomedical Imaging9
42-668"Fun"-damentals of MRI and Neuroimaging Analysis9
42-631Neural Data Analysis12
42-632Neural Signal Processing12
Additional BSIP Electives
42-437Biomedical Optical Imaging9
42-640/24-658Image-Based Computational Modeling and Analysis12
42-656Introduction to Machine Learning for Biomedical Engineers9
42-675Fundamentals of Computational Biomedical Engineering12
16-725(Bio)Medical Image Analysis12
18-491Digital Signal Processing 112
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

1  Students make take either 18-491 Fundamentals of Signal Processing OR 18-792 Advanced Digital Signal Processing (but not both)

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Neuroengineering (Neuro) Track


The Neuroengineering (Neuro) track uses engineering techniques to examine, understand, and apply the properties of complex neural systems.  Areas of interest include the research and development of neuroengineering technologies for sensing, interfacing, imaging, and modulating the nervous systems.  Examples of applications include brain-computer interfaces for use in paralysis, neural stimulation device design for sensory and motor prostheses and basic science research, and neural recording and imaging devices.


This track aligns most naturally with a combined education of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering, which lays a solid foundation in signal processing principles. This track prepares students for careers in brain-computer interfaces, neural stimulators, and neuroprosthetics.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the BMEC Track must take must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required Neuro Elective
  • Two (2) Neuro Electives (either Required or Additional)


Required Neuro Electives (must take at least one of the following)
42-630Introduction to Neural Engineering12
42-631Neural Data Analysis12
42-632Neural Signal Processing12

Additional Neuro Electives
42-433Neural Technology: Sensing and Stimulation12
42-437Biomedical Optical Imaging9
42-641Rehabilitation Engineering9
42-650Introduction to Biomedical Imaging9
42-656Introduction to Machine Learning for Biomedical Engineers9
42-783Neural Engineering Laboratory12
15-386Neural Computation9
18-370Fundamentals of Control12
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Tissue and Cell Biotherapeutics (TCB) Track

Note: This track combines the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (BMTE) and Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology (CMBT) tracks together. Students entered CMU prior to Fall 2024 may switch to this track.


The TCB track addresses issues at the interface of materials science, biology and engineering. The topics include the interactions between materials and cells or tissues, the effects of such interactions on cells and tissues, the design of materials for biological applications, and the engineering of new tissues. It emphasizes fundamentals and applications of biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, material science, and processes on the nanometer to centimeter size scale. Students in this track acquire an understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of life processes and build skills in quantitative modeling of biological mass transport, drug delivery, and live cell-based biotechnologies and in technologies that exploit the unique properties of biomolecules and materials in non-biological settings.


The TCB track is ideal for students interested in combining the education of Biomedical Engineering with Materials Science & Engineering or with Chemical Engineering. The track may also interest students in Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering who have an interest in molecular aspects of Biomedical Engineering. It provides the necessary foundation in chemistry, molecular processing, and/or materials science. Students of this track may develop careers in biotechnology, tissue engineering, biopharmaceuticals, biosensors, drug delivery, and biological aspects of environmental engineering.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the TCB Track must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required TCB elective
  • Two (2) TCB Electives (either Required or Additional


Required TCB Electives (must take one of the following)
42-612/27-520Tissue Engineering12
42-615Biomaterial Host Interactions in Regenerative Medicine12
42-620Engineering Molecular Cell Biology12
42-624Biological Transport and Drug Delivery9
Additional TCB Electives
42-613/27-570Polymeric Biomaterials12
42-616/27-514Bio-nanotechnology: Principles and Applications9
42-626/06-634Drug Delivery Systems9
42-645/24-655Cellular Biomechanics9
42-667Biofabrication and Bioprinting12
42-695Special Topics: Engineering Protein Therapeutics12
42/06-722Bioprocess Design12
03-320Cell Biology9
06-685Bioseparations and Bioprocess Analytical Technologies12
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (BMTE) Track

Note: This track is not offered to Classes of 2027+


The BMTE track addresses issues at the interface of materials science, biology and engineering. The topics include the interactions between materials and cells or tissues, the effects of such interactions on cells and tissues, the design of materials for biological applications, and the engineering of new tissues.


The BMTE track is ideal for students interested in combining the education of Biomedical Engineering with Materials Science & Engineering or with Chemical Engineering.  Both provide the necessary foundation in chemistry and/or materials science. Students of this track may develop careers in biotechnology, tissue engineering, biopharmaceuticals, and medical devices that leverage materials properties.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the BMTE Track must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required BMTE elective
  • Two (2) BMTE Electives (either Required or Additional


Required BMTE Electives (must take one of the following)
42-612/27-520Tissue Engineering12
42-615Biomaterial Host Interactions in Regenerative Medicine12
42-667Biofabrication and Bioprinting12
Additional BMTE Electives
42-613/27-570Polymeric Biomaterials12
42-616/27-514Bio-nanotechnology: Principles and Applications9
42-620Engineering Molecular Cell Biology12
42-624Biological Transport and Drug Delivery9
03-320Cell Biology9
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology (CMBT) Track

Note: This track is not offered to Classes of 2027+


The CMBT track emphasizes fundamentals and applications of biochemistry, biophysics, and cell biology, and processes on the nanometer to micrometer size scale. Students in this track acquire understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of life processes, and build skills in quantitative modeling of biological mass transport, drug delivery, and live cell-based biotechnologies and in technologies that exploit the unique properties of biomolecules in non-biological settings.


The CMBT track is ideally suited for the combined education of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, which provides a strong core of chemistry and molecular processing principles. The track may also interest students of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, or Civil & Environmental Engineering who have an interest in molecular aspects of Biomedical Engineering. The CMBT track prepares students for careers in bio/pharmaceutical, medical diagnostics, biosensors, drug delivery, and biological aspects of environmental engineering.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core courses, students in the CMBT Track must take the following combination of three courses:

  • One (1) Required CMBT Elective
  • Two (2) CMBT Electives (either Required or Additional)


Required CMBT Electives (must take at least one of the following)
42-620Engineering Molecular Cell Biology12
42-621Principles of Immunoengineering and Development of Immunotherapy Drugs9
42-624Biological Transport and Drug Delivery9
Additional CMBT Electives
42-616/27-514Bio-nanotechnology: Principles and Applications9
42-626/06-634Drug Delivery Systems9
42-645/24-655Cellular Biomechanics9
42/06-722Bioprocess Design12
03-320Cell Biology9
42-x00BME Research* or 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project* or 42-6XX Clinical Course (Surgery for Engineers/Precision Medicine/ICU Medicine)9-12

* The 42-x00 research project (42-200/300/400 Sophomore/Junior/Senior Biomedical Engineering Research Project OR 39-500 CIT Honors Research Project) must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 

Some Special Topics and newly offered or intermittently offered courses may be acceptable as track electives. Students should consult with their BME advisors and petition the BME Undergraduate Affairs Committee for permission to include such courses as track electives. The course petition form can be found here.

Sample schedules can be found on the BME Additional Major page on the BME website.

Self-Designed Biomedical Engineering (SBME) Track

The SBME track is aimed at helping highly motivated students who have a strong sense of career direction that falls beyond the scope of regular Biomedical Engineering tracks.  Students are allowed to design the "track" portion of the curriculum in consultation with the faculty.  Example themes include medical robotics, embedded medical systems, or computational biomedical engineering.


In addition to the Biomedical Engineering core requirements, students must take three elective courses of at least 9 units each. These elective courses must form a coherent theme that is relevant to biomedical engineering. In addition, at least one of the elective courses must be judged by the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Affairs Committee to have substantial biological or medical content.

If undergraduate research is part of the SBME track, the research project must be on a BME topic that is aligned to the track, supervised or co-supervised by a BME faculty member, and conducted for 9 or more units of credit. 


  1. Students wishing to pursue a self-designed track should first consult with Kristin Kropf (Undergraduate Program and Alumni Relations Coordinator).
  2. A SBME track proposal must be submitted electronically to Kristin Kropf at least three weeks prior to Pre-Registration during the spring of the sophomore year. The proposal must include:
    • The three courses of the designed track, including catalog descriptions and when these courses are expected to be taken.
    • A justification of how these courses form a coherent theme relevant to biomedical engineering and why the regular tracks do not relate to the proposed theme
    • Two alternative courses that may substitute for one of the proposed courses, in case the original course is not available.
  3. Once approved by the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Affairs Committee, the student must sign an agreement listing the theme and the three courses comprising the SBME track.
  4. In the event that issues beyond the student's control, such as course scheduling or cancellation, prevent the student from completing the approved course plan, the student may petition the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Affairs Committee to
  5. Substitute a course with another course that fits the approved theme, OR
  6. Complete one of the regular tracks (all classes)

Course Descriptions

About Course Numbers:

Each Carnegie Mellon course number begins with a two-digit prefix that designates the department offering the course (i.e., 76-xxx courses are offered by the Department of English). Although each department maintains its own course numbering practices, typically, the first digit after the prefix indicates the class level: xx-1xx courses are freshmen-level, xx-2xx courses are sophomore level, etc. Depending on the department, xx-6xx courses may be either undergraduate senior-level or graduate-level, and xx-7xx courses and higher are graduate-level. Consult the Schedule of Classes each semester for course offerings and for any necessary pre-requisites or co-requisites.

42-101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Fall and Spring: 12 units
This course will provide exposure to basic biology and engineering problems associated with living systems and health care delivery. Examples will be used to illustrate how basic concepts and tools of science and engineering can be brought to bear in understanding, mimicking and utilizing biological processes. The course will focus on four areas: biotechnology, biomechanics, biomaterials and tissue engineering and biosignal and image processing and will introduce the basic life sciences and engineering concepts associated with these topics.

42-200 Sophomore BME Research Project
Fall and Spring
Research projects for sophomores under the direction of a regular or adjunct BME faculty member. Arrangements may also be made via the Associate Head of BME for off-campus projects provided that a regular or adjunct BME faculty member agrees to serve as a co-advisor. The nature of the project, the number of units, and the criteria for grading are to be determined between the student and the research advisor. The agreement should be summarized in a two-page project description with sign-off by the research advisor and a copy submitted for review and filing with the BME Department. A final written report of the results is required. Units may vary from 9 to 12 according to the expected time commitment, with one unit corresponding to 1 hour of research per week. One (but not more than one) semester of research, if registered for at least 9 units, may be counted as a restricted elective course toward the BME additional major.

42-201 Professional Issues in Biomedical Engineering
Fall and Spring: 3 units
This course exposes students to many of the issues that biomedical engineers face. It provides an overview of professional topics including bioethics, regulatory issues, communication skills, teamwork, and other contemporary issues. Outside speakers and case studies will describe real world problems and professional issues in biotechnology and bioengineering, and progress toward their solution.

42-202 Physiology
Fall and Spring: 9 units
This course is an introduction to human physiology and includes units on all major organ systems. Particular emphasis is given to the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and endocrine systems. Modules on molecular physiology tissue engineering and physiological modeling are also included. Due to the close interrelationship between structure and function in biological systems, each functional topic will be introduced through a brief exploration of anatomical structure. Basic physical laws and principles will be explored as they relate to physiologic function. Prerequisite or co-requisite: 03-121 Modern Biology, or permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: 03-121 or 03-151

42-203 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory
Fall and Spring: 9 units
This laboratory course is designed to provide students with the ability to make measurements on and interpret data from living systems. The experimental modules reinforce concepts from 42-101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering and expose students to four areas of biomedical engineering: biomedical signal and image processing, biomaterials, biomechanics, and cellular and molecular biotechnology. Several cross-cutting modules are included as well. The course includes weekly lectures to complement the experimental component. Pre-med students should register for 03-206. Priority for enrollment will be given to students who have declared the Additional Major in Biomedical Engineering.
Prerequisites: 42-101 and (03-151 or 03-121)

42-300 Junior BME Research Project
Fall and Spring
Research projects for juniors under the direction of a regular or adjunct BME faculty member. Arrangements may also be made via the Associate Head of BME for off-campus projects provided that a regular or adjunct BME faculty member agrees to serve as a co-advisor. The nature of the project, the number of units, and the criteria for grading are to be determined between the student and the research advisor. The agreement should be summarized in a two-page project description with sign-off by the research advisor and a copy submitted for review and filing with the BME Department. A final written report of the results is required. Units may vary from 9 to 12 according to the expected time commitment, with one unit corresponding to 1 hour of research per week. One (but not more than one) semester of research, if registered for at least 9 units, may be counted as a restricted elective course toward the BME additional major.

42-302 Biomedical Engineering Systems Modeling and Analysis
Fall and Spring: 9 units
This course will prepare students to develop mathematical models for biological systems and for biomedical engineering systems, devices, components, and processes and to use models for data reduction and for system performance analysis, prediction and optimization. Models considered will be drawn from a broad range of applications and will be based on algebraic equations, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. The tools of advanced engineering mathematics comprising analytical, computational and statistical approaches will be introduced and used for model manipulation.
Prerequisites: 21-260 or 06-262 or 18-202

42-400 Senior BME Research Project
Fall and Spring
Research projects for seniors under the direction of a regular or adjunct BME faculty member. Arrangements may also be made via the Associate Head of BME for off-campus projects provided that a regular or adjunct BME faculty member agrees to serve as a co-advisor. The nature of the project, the number of units, and the criteria for grading are to be determined between the student and the research advisor. The agreement should be summarized in a two-page project description with sign-off by the research advisor and a copy submitted for review and filing with the BME Department. A final written report of the results is required. Units may vary from 9 to 12 according to the expected time commitment, with one unit corresponding to 1 hour of research per week. One (but not more than one) semester of research, if registered for at least 9 units, may be counted as a restricted elective course toward the BME additional major.

42-401 Foundation of BME Design
Fall: 6 units
This course sequence introduces Biomedical Engineering students to the design of useful biomedical products to meet a specific medical need. Students will learn to identify product needs, how to specify problem definitions and to use project management tools. Methods to develop creativity in design will be introduced. The course sequence is comprised of two parts: 42-401 is offered in the Fall semester and provides the students the opportunity to form project teams, select and define a project, create a development plan, and complete an initial prototype. 42-402 is offered in the Spring semester is a full semester course and completes the plan that was developed in the fall semester. This course culminates in the completion of multiple prototypes, a poster presentation, and a written report.
Prerequisite: 42-101

42-402 BME Design Project
Spring: 9 units
This course sequence introduces Biomedical Engineering students to the design of useful biomedical products to meet a specific medical need. Students will learn to identify product needs, how to specify problem definitions and to use project management tools. Methods to develop creativity in design will be introduced. The course sequence is comprised of two parts: 42-401 is offered in the Fall semester and provides the students the opportunity to form project teams, select and define a project, create a development plan, and complete an initial prototype. 42-402 is offered in the Spring semester is a full semester course and completes the plan that was developed in the fall semester. This course culminates in the completion of multiple prototypes, a poster presentation, and a written report.

42-437 Biomedical Optical Imaging
Intermittent: 9 units
Biophotonics, or biomedical optics, is a field dealing with the application of optical science and imaging technology to biomedical problems, including clinical applications. The course introduces basic concepts in electromagnetism and light tissue interactions, including optical properties of tissue, absorption, fluorescence, and light scattering. Imaging methods will be described, including fluorescence imaging, Raman spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, diffuse optical spectroscopy, and photoacoustic tomography. The basic physics and engineering of each imaging technique are emphasized. Their relevance to human disease diagnostic and clinical applications will be included, such as breast cancer imaging and monitoring, 3D retinal imaging, ways of non-invasive tumor detection, as well as functional brain imaging in infants. NOTE: 42-437 is intended for undergraduates only. Pre-requisite: 33-142 Physics II for Engineering Students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: 33-142

42-444 Medical Devices
Fall: 9 units
This survey course is an introduction to the engineering, clinical, legal, regulatory and business aspects of medical device performance and failure. Topics covered include a broad range of successful medical devices in clinical use, as well as historical case studies of devices that were withdrawn from the market as a consequence of noted failures. In-depth study of specific medical devices will include cardiovascular, orthopedic, and neurological disciplines. We will study best practices employed in the clinical setting, principles governing the design processes, and modes of failure as a risk to the patient population. Additional lectures will provide fundamental topics concerning biomaterials used for implantable medical devices (metals, polymers, ceramics), biocompatibility, imaging, patient risks and mechanisms of failure (wear, corrosion, fatigue, fretting, etc.). The level of technical content will require junior standing for MCS and CIT students, a degree in science or engineering for non-MCS or non-CIT graduate students, or permission of the instructor for all other students.

42-610 Introduction to Biomaterials
Intermittent: 9 units
Understanding the fundamentals of biomaterials structure-function relationships pertaining to material functions and to cell and tissue environments will be a prime goal. The course will be composed of lectures, readings, projects and technical writing assignments. The synthesis, characterization and functional properties of organic and inorganic biomaterials and the processes involved in their use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will be discussed. Fundamental issues related to the utility of biomaterials, including biomechanics, transport, degradability, biointerfaces and biocompatibility, stability, fate in the body will be covered, along with some of the basic approaches to characterization. Clinical applications for biomaterials and new directions in design and synthesis to achieve better biocompatibility will be emphasized.

42-611/27-709 Biomaterials
Spring: 12 units
This class serves as an overview of the landscape of biomaterial engineering and research. This course will cover the application of materials in biological environments, focusing on structure-processing-property relationships, engineering design principles, and how the biological environment affects the material properties. This course will focus on applications of a variety of materials that interface with biological systems including natural biopolymers, synthetic polymers, metals, and ceramics. Topics include considerations in molecular design of biomaterials, fundamentals of thermodynamic and kinetics relationships, the application of bulk and surface properties in the design of medical devices, and understanding tissue-biomaterials interactions. This course will discuss practical applications of materials in drug delivery, tissue engineering, biosensors, and other biomedical technologies. Students will be assessed with homework assignments and quizzes. At the end of the class, in teams, students will apply the concepts they have learned to write and present a focused review on a biomaterial design/concept that excites them.

42-612/27-520 Tissue Engineering
Fall: 12 units
This course will train students in advanced cellular and tissue engineering methods that apply physical, mechanical and chemical manipulation of materials in order to direct cell and tissue function. Students will learn the techniques and equipment of bench research including cell culture, immunofluorescent imaging, soft lithography, variable stiffness substrates, application/measurement of forces and other methods. Students will integrate classroom lectures and lab skills by applying the scientific method to develop a unique project while working in a team environment, keeping a detailed lab notebook and meeting mandated milestones. Emphasis will be placed on developing the written and oral communication skills required of the professional scientist. The class will culminate with a poster presentation session based on class projects. Pre-requisite: Knowledge in cell biology and biomaterials, or permission of instructor

42-613/27-570 Polymeric Biomaterials
Spring: 12 units
This course will cover aspects of polymeric biomaterials in medicine from molecular principles to device scale design and fabrication. Topics include the chemistry, characterization, and processing of synthetic polymeric materials; cell-biomaterials interactions including interfacial phenomena, tissue responses, and biodegradation mechanisms; aspects of polymeric micro-systems design and fabrication for applications in medical devices. Recent advances in these topics will also be discussed.

42-615 Biomaterial Host Interactions in Regenerative Medicine
Intermittent: 12 units
This course will provide students with hands-on experience in investigating host responses to synthetic and naturally biomaterials used in regenerative medicine applications. Students will gain experience in the analysis of host responses to these biomaterials as well as strategies to control host interaction. Biomaterial biocompatibility, immune interactions, tissue healing and regeneration will be addressed. Students will integrate classroom lectures with laboratory skills evaluating host-material interactions in a laboratory setting. Laboratory characterization techniques will include cell culture techniques, microscopic, cytochemical, immunocytochemical and histological analyses. Prior knowledge in physiology is helpful.

42-616/27-514 Bio-nanotechnology: Principles and Applications
Fall: 9 units
Have you ever wondered what is nanoscience and nanotechnology and their impact on our lives? In this class we will go through the key concepts related to synthesis (including growth methodologies and characterizations techniques) and chemical/physical properties of nanomaterials from zero-dimensional (0D) materials such as nanoparticles or quantum dots (QDs), one-dimensional materials such as nanowires and nanotubes to two-dimensional materials such as graphene. The students will then survey a range of biological applications of nanomaterials through problem-oriented discussions, with the goal of developing design strategies based on basic understanding of nanoscience. Examples include, but are not limited to, biomedical applications such as nanosensors for DNA and protein detection, nanodevices for bioelectrical interfaces, nanomaterials as building blocks in tissue engineering and drug delivery, and nanomaterials in cancer therapy. This class is open for both undergraduate (junior/senior) and graduate students.

42-620 Engineering Molecular Cell Biology
Fall: 12 units
Cells are not only basic units of living organisms but also fascinating engineering systems that exhibit amazing functionality, adaptability, and complexity. Applying engineering perspectives and approaches to study molecular mechanisms of cellular processes plays a critical role in the development of contemporary biology. At the same time, understanding the principles that govern biological systems provides critical insights into the development of engineering systems. The goal of this course is to provide basic molecular cell biology for engineering students with little or no background in cell biology, with particular emphasis on integrating engineering concepts throughout the entire learning process of modern molecular and cellular biology. This course will prepare advanced undergraduate or graduate students with the essential knowledge and mindset for future research endeavors involving engineering biological systems at molecular and cellular levels. This course, besides introducing the fundamental biological knowledge, aims to enhance students' comprehension and appreciation of (1) how engineering approaches have led to our current understanding of molecular and cell biology; (2) what the available engineering approaches are that allow manipulation and even creation of biological systems at molecular, cellular and tissue levels; (3) what the current challenges are in molecular and cell biology that could be solved one day by engineering innovation. Course topics include the engineering of cellular components (DNA, RNA, protein, cell membrane, mitochondria, extracellular matrix) and cellular processes (metabolism, proliferation, cell death, tissue formation). Pre-requisites: None. Prior completion of 03-121 Modern Biology is suggested but not required.

42-621 Principles of Immunoengineering and Development of Immunotherapy Drugs
Intermittent: 9 units
This course will provide context for the application of engineering principles to modulate the immune system to approaches problems in human health. Basic understanding of the components and function of the innate and adaptive immune system. Students will leave with a basic understanding of immunology and of the engineering techniques used to develop and characterize immunotherapy systems. Where appropriate, we will discuss how immunoengineering fits into other disciplines of engineering such as mechanical, chemical, and materials science. Because the purpose of immunoengineering is disease treatment, we will discuss, the therapy pipeline, development of clinical trials and the FDA approval process. Immunotherapy will also be assessed within different disease contexts including cancer, infectious disease, allergies, prosthetics and implants, neuro and musculoskeletal disorders.

42-624 Biological Transport and Drug Delivery
Spring: 9 units
Analysis of transport phenomena in life processes on the molecular, cellular, organ and organism levels and their application to the modeling and design of targeted or sustained release drug delivery technologies. Coupling of mass transfer and reaction processes will be a consistent theme as they are applied to rates of receptor-mediated solute uptake in cells, drug transport and biodistribution, and drug release from delivery vehicles. Design concepts underlying advances in nanomedicine will be described.

42-625 Surgery for Engineers
Spring: 9 units
This course explores the impact of engineering on surgery. Students will interact with clinical practitioners and investigate the technological challenges that face these practitioners. A number of visits to the medical center are anticipated for hands on experience with a number of technologies utilized by surgeons to demonstrate the result of advances in biomedical engineering. These experiences are expected to include microvascular surgery, robotic surgery, laparoscopic, and endoscopic techniques. Tours of the operating room and shock trauma unit will be arranged. If possible observation of an operative procedure will be arranged (if scheduling permits). Invited surgeons will represent disciplines including cardiovascular surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, surgical oncology, trauma surgery, minimally invasive surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, bariatric surgery, thoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery, and others. The Primary Instructor is Howard Edington, M.D., MBA System Chairman of Surgery, Allegheny Health Network. This course meets once a week for 3 hours. Several sessions will be held at the Medical Center, transport provided. Pre-requisite: Physiology 42-202 and one of the introductory engineering courses, 42-10106-10012-10018-10019-10124-101, or 27-100 Priority for enrollment is given to BME Graduate students and additional majors, followed by BME minors.

42-626/06-634 Drug Delivery Systems
Fall: 9 units
The body is remarkable in its ability to sequester and clear foreign entities - whether they be "bad" (e.g. pathogens) or "good" (e.g. therapeutic drugs). This course will explore the design principles being used to engineer modern drug delivery systems capable of overcoming the body's innate defenses to achieve therapeutic effect. Specifically, we will study the chemistry, formulation, and mechanisms of systems designed to deliver nucleic acids, chemotherapeutics, and proteins across a variety of physiological barriers. Scientific communication plays a prominent role in the course, and students will have several opportunities to strengthen their communication skills through journal club presentations, proposal writing and constructive feedback. This is a graduate level course that is also open to undergraduate seniors.

42-630 Introduction to Neural Engineering
Fall: 12 units
Neural engineering sits at the interface between neuroscience and engineering, applying classical engineering approaches and principles to understand the nervous system and its function. Modern neural engineering techniques have been used to measure neural activity using tools based on light, electricity, and magnetism. The same tools for measurement can be redirected to modulate neural activity, and manipulate how an organism perceives, thinks, and acts. The course objectives are to familiarize students with a range of neural engineering approaches to investigating and intervening in the nervous system, emphasizing quantitative understanding and fundamental engineering concepts. The course will pair lectures and discussion with projects involving real neural data (Matlab-based exercises). Example projects could include finding visual responses in EEG data, or determining how groups of individual neurons interact based on spiking data. Overall, the goal is to give the student a deep understanding of select topics in neuroscience and the application of quantitative neural engineering approaches to these topics. This course is intended for advanced undergraduate and entering graduate students. Familiarity with linear algebra, signal processing, and introductory Matlab programming is helpful. This course is suitable for students coming from diverse backgrounds: (1) Students with non-engineering backgrounds seeking quantitative skills, and wanting to learn an engineering approach to neuroscience problems, and (2) students with engineering or other quantitative backgrounds who are seeking ways to apply their skills to scientific questions in neuroscience.

42-631 Neural Data Analysis
Intermittent: 12 units
The vast majority of behaviorally relevant information is transmitted through the brain by neurons as trains of actions potentials. How can we understand the information being transmitted? This class will cover the basic engineering and statistical tools in common use for analyzing neural spike train data, with an emphasis on hands-on application. Topics may include neural spike train statistics (Poisson processes, interspike intervals, Fano factor analysis), estimation (MLE, MAP), signal detection theory (d-prime, ROC analysis, psychometric curve fitting), information theory, discrete classification, continuous decoding (PVA, OLE), and white-noise analysis. Each topic covered will be linked back to the central ideas from undergraduate probability, and each assignment will involve actual analysis of neural data, either real or simulated, using Matlab. This class is meant for upper-level undergrads or beginning graduate students, and is geared to the engineer who wants to learn the neurophysiologist's toolbox and the neurophysiologist who wants to learn new tools. Those looking for broader neuroscience application (eg, fMRI) or more focus on regression analysis are encouraged to take 36-746. Those looking for more advanced techniques are encouraged to take 18-699. Prerequisites: undergraduate probability (36-225/227, or its equivalent), some familiarity with linear algebra and Matlab programming

42-632/18-698 Neural Signal Processing
Spring: 12 units
The brain is among the most complex systems ever studied. Underlying the brain's ability to process sensory information and drive motor actions is a network of roughly 10^11 neurons, each making 10^3 connections with other neurons. Modern statistical and machine learning tools are needed to interpret the plethora of neural data being collected, both for (1) furthering our understanding of how the brain works, and (2) designing biomedical devices that interface with the brain. This course will cover a range of statistical methods and their application to neural data analysis. The statistical topics include latent variable models, dynamical systems, point processes, dimensionality reduction, Bayesian inference, and spectral analysis. The neuroscience applications include neural decoding, firing rate estimation, neural system characterization, sensorimotor control, spike sorting, and field potential analysis. Prerequisites: 18-29036-217, or equivalent introductory probability theory and random variables course; an introductory linear algebra course; senior or graduate standing. No prior knowledge of neuroscience is needed.

42-640/24-658 Image-Based Computational Modeling and Analysis
Intermittent: 12 units
Biomedical modeling and visualization play an important role in mathematical modeling and computer simulation of real/artificial life for improved medical diagnosis and treatment. This course integrates mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, computer science, and mathematics together. Topics to be studied include medical imaging, image processing, geometric modeling, visualization, computational mechanics, and biomedical applications. The techniques introduced are applied to examples of multi-scale biomodeling and simulations at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ level scales.

42-641 Rehabilitation Engineering
Fall: 9 units
Rehabilitation engineering is the systematic application of engineering sciences to design, develop, adapt, test, evaluate, apply, and distribute technological solutions to problems confronted by individuals with disabilities. This course focuses on assistive technologies - technologies designed for use in the everyday lives of people with disabilities to assist in the performance of activities of daily living. The course surveys assistive technologies designed for a variety of functional limitations - including mobility, communication, hearing, vision, and cognition - as they apply to activities associated with employment, independent living, education, and integration into the community. This course considers not only technical issues in device development, but also the psychosocial factors and market forces that influence device acceptance by individuals and the marketplace. The class is designed for graduate students and upper undergraduates.

42-645 Cellular Biomechanics
Intermittent: 9 units
This course discusses how mechanical quantities and processes such as force, motion, and deformation influence cell behavior and function, with a focus on the connection between mechanics and biochemistry. Specific topics include: (1) the role of stresses in the cytoskeleton dynamics as related to cell growth, spreading, motility, and adhesion; (2) the generation of force and motion by moot molecules; (3) stretch-activated ion channels; (4) protein and DNA deformation; (5) mechanochemical coupling in signal transduction. If time permits, we will also cover protein trafficking and secretion and the effects of mechanical forces on gene expression. Emphasis is placed on the biomechanics issues at the cellular and molecular levels; their clinical and engineering implications are elucidated. 3 hrs. lec. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: None. Cross Listed Courses: 24-655 Notes: None. Reservations:

42-648/24-612 Cardiovascular Mechanics
Spring: 12 units
The primary objective of the course is to learn to model blood flow and mechanical forces in the cardiovascular system. After a brief review of cardiovascular physiology and fluid mechanics, the students will progress from modeling blood flow in a.) small-scale steady flow applications to b.) small-scale pulsatile applications to c.) large-scale or complex pulsatile flow applications. The students will also learn how to calculate mechanical forces on cardiovascular tissue (blood vessels, the heart) and cardiovascular cells (endothelial cells, platelets, red and white blood cells), and the effects of those forces. Lastly, the students will learn various methods for modeling cardiac function. When applicable, students will apply these concepts to the design and function of selected medical devices (heart valves, ventricular assist devices, artificial lungs).

42-649/24-664 Introduction to Biomechanics
Fall: 12 units
The purpose of this course is to achieve a broad overview of the application of mechanics to the human body. This includes solid, fluid, and viscoelastic mechanics applied to single cells, the cardiovascular system, lungs, muscles, bones, and human movement. The physiology of each system will be reviewed as background prior to discussing mechanics applications within that system. Prior knowledge/experience in statics, fluid mechanics, and biology are helpful.

42-650 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging
Spring: 9 units
The field of medical imaging describes methods of seeing the interior of the human body, as well as visual representation of tissue and organ function. The materials covered in this course will give an overview of existing medical imaging devices used in a clinical and pre-clinical setting. The course presents the principles of medical imaging technologies, explaining the mathematical and physical principles, as well as describing the fundamental aspects of instrumentation design. Students will gain a thorough understanding of how these methods are used to image morphological and physiological features. Imaging methods will include Ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as optical methods. For each method, the fundamental imaging principles will be discussed, and examples of clinical applications will be presented. No prior knowledge of imaging methods is required.

42-652/18-416 Nano-Bio-Photonics
Spring: 12 units
Light can penetrate biological tissues non-invasively. Most of the available bio-optic tools are bulky. With the advent of novel nanotechnologies, building on-chip integrated photonic devices for applications such as sensing, imaging, neural stimulation, and monitoring is now a possibility. These devices can be embedded in portable electronic devices such as cell phones for point of care diagnostics. This course is designed to convey the concepts of nano-bio-photonics in a practical way to prepare students to engage in emerging photonic technologies. The course starts with a review of electrodynamics of lightwaves. The appropriate choice of wavelength and material platform is the next topic. Then optical waveguides and resonators are discussed. Resonance-based sensing is introduced followed by a discussion of the Figure of Merits (FOMs) used to design on-chip sensors. Silicon photonics is introduced as an example of a CMOS-compatible platform. On-chip spectroscopy is the next topic. The second part covers nano-plasmonics for bio-detection and therapy. The design methods are discussed, followed by an overview of nanofabrication and chemical synthesis, and then a discussion of applications. The last part of this course will be dedicated to a review of recent applications such as Optogenetic neural stimulation, Calcium imaging, Cancer Imaging and Therapy. Senior or graduate standing required. This course is cross-listed with 18416. Although students in 18-616 and 18-416 will share the same lectures and recitations, students in 18-616 will receive distinct course projects. Students in 18-416 and 18-616 will be graded on separate curves.
Prerequisite: 21-260

42-655 Biostatistics
Spring: 9 units
This course introduces statistical methods for making inferences in engineering, biology and medicine. Students will learn how to select the most appropriate methods, how to apply these methods to actual data, and how to read and interpret computer output from a commonly used statistical package. The topics covered are descriptive statistics; elementary probability; discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions; hypothesis testing involving interval (continuous and discrete) and categorical (nominal and ordinal) variables, for two and three or more treatments; simple and multiple linear regression; time-series analysis; clustering and classification; and time-to-event (survival) analysis. Students will also learn how to write the statistical component of a "Results" section for a scientific paper and learn about the limitations of the statistical analyses. Basic familiarity with probability and probability distribution preferred but not required.

42-656 Introduction to Machine Learning for Biomedical Engineers
Fall: 9 units
This course introduces fundamental concepts, methods and applications in machine learning and datamining. We will cover topics such as parametric and non-parametric learning algorithms, support vector machines, neural networks, clustering, clustering and principal components analysis. The emphasis will be on learning high-level concepts behind machine learning algorithms, and applying them to biomedical-related problems. This course is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Biomedical Engineering or related disciplines. Students should have experience with high-level programming language such as Python/Matlab, basic familiarity with probability, statistics and linear algebra, and should be comfortable with manipulating vectors and matrices.

42-660 Bioinstrumentation
Spring: 12 units
This course aims to build concepts and skills in electronics for the design and construction of instruments for biomedical applications. The course uses a flipped, fast-paced format to cover a range of electronic components and circuits, including resistors, capacitors, transistors, sensors, actuators, amplifiers, signal filters, and microcontrollers, through lectures, tutorials, weekly lab projects, and term projects. Students, with or without a background in electronics, will gain hands-on skills to build functional instruments for physiological measurements such as temperature, gas concentration, blood pressure, and EKG signals.

42-665 Brain-Computer Interface: Principles and Applications
Spring: 9 units
This course provides an introduction and comprehensive review of the concepts, principles and methods of Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. BCIs have emerged as a novel technology that bridges the brain with external devices. BCIs have been developed to decode human intention, leading to direct brain control of a computer or device, bypassing the neuromuscular pathway. Bi-directional brain-computer interfaces not only allows device control, but also opens the door for modulating the central nervous system through neural interfacing. Using various recorded brain signals that reflect the "intention" of the brain, BCI systems have shown the capability to control external devices, such as computers and robots. Neural stimulation using electrical, magnetic, optical and acoustic energy has shown capability to better understanding of the brain functions and intervene with central nervous systems. This course teaches the fundamentals how a BCI system works and various building blocks of BCIs, from signal acquisition, signal processing, feature extraction, feature translation, neurostimulation, to device control, and various applications. Examples of noninvasive BCIs are discussed to provide an in-depth understanding of the noninvasive BCI technology. Open to seniors or graduate students in engineering or science programs, or upon instructor's approval (for exceptional juniors, e.g.).

42-666 Neuroengineering Practicum
Fall: 9 units
This course will examine topics and issues related to ethics, professional conduct, conflicts, plagiarism, copyright, authorship, research design considerations, IRB, IACUC, intellectual properties, review process, regulatory science and FDA process, professional presentations, and technical writing in neuroengineering. Students will discuss neuro-ethical implications of neural technologies and learn about the process of bringing such technologies to market, including intellectual property and FDA approval considerations. Students will discuss essential career development skills for a neuroengineering R and D career in academia and industry. An important component of the course is to develop students' communications skills including developing an effective research proposal, as well as effective oral presentations of the ideas developed in the proposal and technical report. The essentials for successful proposal writing will be discussed in case studies, in the form of fellowship applications. Each student will be required to develop a research proposal based upon students' own research or an emerging research topic in neuroengineering. Each student will also be required to develop a research statement on her/his own research interest. It is expected that students will improve her/his writing skills for proposal/research statement development with case studies, group discussions, and individualized feedbacks on students' own writing and presentation. This course will help students to develop practical skills addressing real world problems in neuroengineering.

42-667 Biofabrication and Bioprinting
Spring: 12 units
This laboratory course is designed to introduce students to and give them hands-on experience using methods that are used to fabricate scaffolds that are often used in tissue engineering, drug delivery, and some medical devices. Methods that will be taught include plastic FDM (filament deposition methods) to 3d print thermoplastic materials and molds for casting soft hydrogel materials, as well as 3d Bioprinting of soft hydrogel materials into a support bath material. This course will include a lecture component to introduce students to the concepts needed to design and fabricate the scaffolds. Lecture topics will include (but are not limited to): chemical and physical properties of biomaterials, CAD, and post-processing methods. There are no pre-requisite courses; however prior introductory lab experience is suggested.

42-668 "Fun"-damentals of MRI and Neuroimaging Analysis
Fall: 9 units
Neuroimaging gives us many ways to learn how the brain operates through various functions and disease states without having to perform any invasive surgery. This course will cover the methodology and analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI in humans and animals. Through lecture, discussion and analysis of sample data, students will understand the (A) history of MRI, (B) physics of MRI, (C) utilization with MRI and other devices used to interpret biological tissue, (D) how to design an fMRI experiment, and (E) analysis techniques in MRI. At the end of the course, students will have strong fundamental MRI and fMRI skillset and gain programming skills in MATLAB and learn other tools like SPM to process MRI and fMRI datasets in appropriate software packaging.

42-669/24-636 Energy Applications in Biology and Medicine
Spring: 12 units
This course covers a wide range of energy-based applications in biology and medicine, such as cancer treatments by cryosurgery (freezing), thermal ablation (heating), photodynamic therapy (light-activated drugs), and irreversible electroporation (a non-thermal electrical application). This course also covers thermal regulation in humans and other mammals, as well as cryopreservation (low-temperature preservation) of tissues and organs for the benefit of organ banking and transplant medicine. The course combines lectures and individual assignments relating to the underlying principles of engineering, with teamwork on open-ended projects relating to concurrent challenges at the convergence of engineering and medical sciences. The course plan assumes a mastery of the fundamentals of heat transfer at the undergraduate level.

42-675 Fundamentals of Computational Biomedical Engineering
Fall: 12 units
This goal of this course is to enable students with little or no programming background to use computational methods to solve basic biomedical engineering problems. Students will use MATLAB to solve linear systems of equations, model fit using least squares techniques (linear and nonlinear), interpolate data, perform numerical integration and differentiation, solve differential equations, and visualize data. Specific examples for each topic will be drawn from different areas of biomedical engineering, such as bioimaging and signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials, and cellular and biomolecular technology.

42-678 Medical Device Innovation and Realization
Spring: 12 units
The increasing pace of medical discoveries and emerging technologies presents a unique and exciting time for medical devices. Medical devices range from biomaterials that stimulate the body to repair itself to drug eluting stints to robotic surgical systems. Because they seek to improve and prolong human health, there are unique requirements and challenges for medical device development compared to most other industries. This class will look at how medical device innovation is currently practiced as well as the drivers which govern it, such as the FDA, intellectual property, reimbursement, and funding. By the end of this course, students should be able to: (1) obtain a broad understanding of medical devices; (2) identify new product opportunities; (3) understand the drivers that affect medical device development; and (4) develop strategies to address those drivers within the overall medical device development plan.

42-687 AI Applications in BME
Spring: 12 units
This course provides hands-on experience in applying the fundamentals of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to problems in a variety of biomedical research areas and applications. Students will work in teams to design, develop, and evaluate an AI/ML system to achieve one or more of the following goals: identifying patterns in the data, modeling the input-output relationships and/or classifying data into distinct categories. The datasets for this course will be drawn from different BME-related areas provided by biomedical researchers, clinicians, and other publicly available sources. In addition to the project work, the course will discuss issues that are specific to the development and implementation of AI algorithms in medical settings. This includes FDA approval, human clinical trials, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and medical ethics. This computational project-based course is available to any student who has completed Introduction to Machine Learning course.

42-691/24-663 Biomechanics of Human Movement
Spring: 12 units
This course provides an overview of the mechanical principles underlying human movement biomechanics and the experimental and modeling techniques used to study it. Specific topics will include locomotion, motion capture systems, force plates, muscle mechanics, musculoskeletal modeling, three dimensional kinematics, inverse dynamics, forward dynamic simulations, and imaging-based biomechanics. Homework and final class projects will emphasize applications of movement biomechanics in orthopedics, rehabilitation, and sports.
Prerequisites: 21-260 and 24-351

42-692/24-684 Special Topics: Nanoscale Manufacturing Using Structural DNA Nanotechnology
Fall: 12 units
This course provides an introduction to modern nanoscale manufacturing using structural DNAnanotechnology. This DNA-based approach to manufacturing has much in common with other fabrication methods in micro- and nano-engineering: computer aided design tools are necessary for device design and resulting structures can only be seen using advanced microscopy. However, instead of machining larger materials down to micro- and nanostructures, DNA origami is fabricated using a "bottom up" approach for self-assembling individual oligonucleotides into 2D and 3D nanostructures. Resulting structures can be designed to have novel mechanical and electrical properties and have applications as broad-ranging as medicine, biological computing, and energy systems. The course will include lectures, hands-on physical modeling, homework problems, 3D modeling of DNA origami using caDNAno and CANDO software, and student team projects and presentations.

42-693/18-469 Special Topics in Integrated Systems Technology: Micro/Nano Biomedical Devices
Fall: 12 units
Biomedical devices constantly call for innovations. Micro/nano fabrication not only miniaturizes devices and instruments, but also can enable new biomedical devices and significantly boost device performance. This course introduces fundamental micro/nano fabrication technologies and related materials of biomedical devices. The biomedical background and design principles of various biomedical devices will be presented. Both diagnostic and therapeutic devices will be discussed, including point-of-care diagnostic devices, biosensors, DNA sequencers, medical implants, prosthetic devices, drug delivery systems, medical robots, etc.

42-694 Engineering Principles of Medical Devices
Fall: 9 units
Medical devices are apparatuses widely used in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases. The invention and adoption of medical devices is one of the major driving forces for the revolution in modern healthcare. This course takes a systematic and quantitative approach for the design and implementation of medical devices. We will mainly focus on three major medical device categories: bioelectrical devices, biomechanical devices, and medical devices enabled by emerging technologies. For each category, domain knowledge and fundamental principles will be introduced, and detailed design, implementation, and performance analysis will be studied. Analytical equations and simulation tools will be used when appropriate. The course will prepare students with a solid foundation to further study, research, and work in medical device related fields. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite: 42-202 and (21-120 or 21-122 or 21-259) and (33-141 or 33-142) or permission of instructor

42-695 Special Topics: Engineering Protein Therapeutics
Spring: 12 units
The peptide/protein therapeutics market represents the fastest growing drug sector, addressing diseases that were incurable 20 years ago. These therapies are used to treat a broad range of disease states, including but not limited to cancer, metabolic, immunological, hematological, hormonal, genetic, and infectious diseases. The growth of these therapies is primarily driven by the increasing geriatric population and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases and the development of plasma-derived therapies, and also reflects advances in drug discovery. This course is meant to introduce peptide/protein therapeutic technologies to students with diverse backgrounds and will provide an understanding of the history, current state of the art and potential of these therapeutics. The course will consider major challenges associated with protein therapeutic including stability, immunogenicity, off-target effects, coformulation, and overcoming biological barriers, with a focus on clinical/commercial translation, considering not only manufacturing but delivery approaches, pharmacokinetic and pharmacological challenges.

42-696/24-665 Special Topics: Wearable Health Technologies
Spring: 12 units
This course will provide an overview of emerging wearable health technologies and give students hands-on experience in solving ongoing technical challenges. The wearable sensing field is experiencing explosive growth, with exciting applications in medicine. New lightweight devices will make it easier to monitor health conditions in real time, automatically import data into health informatics systems, and provide haptic feedback with humans in the loop. We will review several aspects of these technologies, including hardware, software, user experience, communication networks, applications, and big data analytics. Students will be paired with a company for a semester-long project that tackles timely computational challenges. Programing experience, in any language, is a pre-requisite.

42-697 Special Topics: Orthopaedic Tissue Mechanics
Spring: 9 units
In this course we will assess the composition, structure, function, failure, and repair of orthopaedic tissues, such as bone, cartilage, intervertebral disc, ligament, tendon, and meniscus. We will pay special attention to the analysis of composite materials, derivation of relevant analytical models, fitting of experimental data, and underlying assumptions. Students will have the opportunity to work in teams to assess seminal papers and explore unmet challenges in the field of orthopaedics. This course will prepare students who are interested in pursuing topics in the field of orthopaedics, rehabilitation, design of prosthetics, and tissue engineering. There are no prerequisites, but statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, biomechanics, and biology are helpful.

42-722/06-722 Bioprocess Design
Fall: 12 units
This course is designed to link concepts of cell culture, bioseparations, formulation, and delivery together for the commercial production and use of biologically-based pharmaceuticals; products considered include proteins, nucleic acids, and fermentation-derived fine chemicals. Associated regulatory issues and biotech industry case studies are also included. A fair knowledge of cell culture and fermentation operations is assumed.

Full-Time Faculty

ABBOTT, ROSALYN, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Vermont, 2011;

BARATI FARIMANI, AMIR, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015;

BARTH, ALISON L., Professor, Biological Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1997;

BETTINGER, CHRISTOPHER J. , Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering – Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008;

CAMPBELL, PHIL G. , Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Research Accelerator, Biological Sciences, and Materials Science & Engineering – Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1985;

CHALACHEVA, P. SANG, Assistant Teaching Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2014;

CHAMANZAR, MAYSAM , Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Career Development Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012;

CHASE, STEVEN M., Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition – Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2006;

CHOSET, HOWIE, Professor, Robotics Institute, Biomedical Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering – Ph.D., California Institute of Technology , 1996;

COHEN-KARNI, TZAHI (ITZHAQ), Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering – Ph.D., Harvard University, 2011;

COOK, KEITH E., David Edward Schramm Professor and Department Head, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2000;

DANDIN, MARC, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2012;

DOMACH, MICHAEL M., Professor, Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Cornell University, 1983;

ERICKSON, ZACKORY, Assistant Professor, Robotics Institute and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021;

FEDDER, GARY K., Howard M. Wilkoff Professor, Institute for Complex Engineering Systems, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Robotics Institute – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1994;

FEINBERG, ADAM W., Arthur Hamerschlag Career Development Professor; Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering – Ph.D., University of Florida, 2004;

GALEOTTI, JOHN, Senior Systems Scientist, Robotics Institute and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007;

GEYER, HARMUT, Associate Professor, Robotics Institute and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany, 2005 ;

GITTIS, ARYN, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2008;

GRANDE GUTIÉRREZ, NOELIA, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering – PhD, Stanford, 2019;

GROVER, PULKIT, Angel Jordan Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Center for Neural Basis of Cognition, and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010;

HALILAJ, ENI, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Brown University, 2015;

HAMMAL, ZAKIA, Systems Faculty, Robotics Institute; Assistant Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D.,

HE, BIN, Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Neuroscience Institute – Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1988;

JUST, MARCEL, D.O. Hebb University Professor of Psychology and Biomedical Engineering Director, Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging – Ph.D., Stanford University, 1972;

KAINERSTORFER, JANA M., Professor and Associate Department Head for Faculty and Graduate Affairs, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Vienna, 2010;

KASS, ROBERT, Maurice Falk Professor, Statistics, Department of Machine Learning, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, and Biomedical Engineering Interim co-Director, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition – Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1980;

KELLY, SHAWN, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003;

KUHLMAN, SANDRA, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2001;

LEDUC, PHILIP R., William J. Brown Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Biological Sciences – Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1999;

LEE, TAI SING, Professor, Computer Science, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Harvard University, 1993;

MAJIDI, CARMEL, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2007;

MOORE, AXEL, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2017;

NIEPA, TAGBO H.R., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering – Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2014;

OLSON, CARL, Professor, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1979;

OZDOGANLAR, BURAK , Ver Planck Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1999;

PALCHESKO, RACHELLE, Assistant Teaching Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Duquesne University, 2011;

PANAT, RAHUL, Russell V. Trader Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004;

REN, XI (CHARLIE), Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Peking University, 2011;

RIVIERE, CAMERON N., Associate Research Professor, Robotics Institute and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1995;

SCHNEIDER, JAMES W., Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1998;

SHIMADA, KENJI, Theodore Ahrens Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993;

SHINN-CUNNINGHAM, BARBARA, Director, Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute Professor, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Biomedical Engineering, Psychology, and Electrical & Computer Engineering – Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994;

SMITH, MATTHEW, Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition – Ph.D., New York University, 2003;

SYDLIK, STEFANIE, Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012;

SZAFRON, JASON, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Yale University, 2020;

TAYLOR, REBECCA, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Stanford University, 2013;

TILTON, ROBERT D. , Chevron Professor; Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering – Ph.D., Stanford University, 1991;

TRUMBLE, DENNIS, Emeritus Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition – Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2010;

TUCKER, CONRAD, Director of CMU-Africa and Associate Dean for International Affairs-Africa, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning, and the Robotics Institute – PhD, MBA, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2011;

VERSTYNEN, TIMOTHY, Associate Professor, Psychology, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2006;

WANG, YU-LI, Mehrabian Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Harvard University, 1980;

WASHBURN, NEWELL R. , Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, and Materials Science & Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1998;

WEBER, DOUGLAS J, Akhtar and Bhutta Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience Institute and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2001;

WEBSTER-WOOD, VICTORIA , Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 2017;

WHITEHEAD, KATHRYN A, Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007;

WOOD, SOSSENA, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2018;

YTTRI, ERIC, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, Center for the Nneural Basis of Cognition, Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., Washington University in St Louis, 2011;

YU, BYRON, Gerard G. Elia Career Development Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering – Ph.D., Stanford University, 2007;

YU, KAI, Research Scientist of Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2018;

ZAPANTA, CONRAD M., Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, College of Engineering and Teaching Professor, Biomedical Engineering, – Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1997;

ZHANG, YONGJIE JESSICA, George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering – Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2005;

ZHAO, YONGXIN (LEO), Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Biological Sciences – Ph.D., University of Alberta, 2014;

ZHENG, SIYANG, Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering – Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 2007;

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