Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology
Location: Posner Hall 385A

The Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST) is an interdisciplinary institute that works with units across Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to tackle the risks and benefits of emerging technologies in war and peace.  It is the academic home of the study of Political Science and International Relations at CMU, administratively located within the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 

CMIST applies the tools of political science and related social science approaches to the wise development, use, and governance of emerging technologies-- from artificial intelligence to biotechnology and beyond. We are proud of our mission as social scientists, solving pressing problems and helping to ensure that technology serves humanity.

In its focus on Political Science and International Relations, CMIST offers the following undergraduate degree programs and initiatives: 

o   BS International Relations and Political Science (primary and additional major);

o   BS Political Science, Security, and Technology (primary and additional major);

o   BS Economics and Politics (primary and additional major);

o   American Politics and Law Minor;

o   Cybersecurity and International Conflict Minor;

o   International Relations and Political Science Minor;

o   Military Strategy and International Relations Minor;

o   Political Science, Security, and Technology Minor;

o   Politics and Public Policy Minor; and

o   The Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program.

Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Political Science

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Political Science (IRPS) is for students who want to learn how to think systematically and develop foundational knowledge about international and domestic politics. It is an interdisciplinary major that is rooted firmly in political science and draws on strengths and insights from decision science, economics, history, modern languages, and other fields. BS IRPS students wrestle with a wide range of issues including the future of democracy, the relationship between technology and politics, the drivers of war and peace, domestic politics across countries, and the formulation of effective foreign policies. IRPS graduates embark on a variety of careers in government, law, public policy, intelligence, national defense, consulting, international development, and more.

Core disciplinary courses for the IRPS major establish a strong foundation in the study of political science and enable students to better understand the workings of political institutions, political behavior across countries, the decision-making of political leaders, the making of national and international policy, and prevailing challenges to the international system, among other topics.

Core methodology courses train IRPS students in the social science tools and communications skills needed to analyze and write persuasively about international relations and politics. Students pursuing an IRPS major learn to use a wide range of analytic tools including statistics and data science, qualitative analysis, game theory, and behavioral decision-making models as they study politics and strategy. Students also learn how to effectively communicate their analyses to affect public policy.

A rich set of electives allows students to investigate issues in security and technology, grand strategy and national security, cybersecurity and international conflict, military strategy and doctrine, the politics of key regions of the world, international political economy and economic policy, representation and voting rights, climate change and development, repression and human rights, international law and diplomacy, political psychology and public opinion, and social change and revolution. 

Recognizing the importance of language and culture in understanding politics and international relations, students are required to complete the intermediate (200) level, or its equivalent, in a modern language other than English. Advanced-level study is strongly encouraged.

Open to all Carnegie Mellon undergraduates, the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP) is an experiential learning program that allows students to study American politics, law, and public policy, while also interning in Washington, DC, for one semester. Courses taken through CMU/WSP count toward the policy seminar core requirement and electives for the IRPS major.

The major in International Relations and Political Science is available as both a primary and additional major. The requirements are the same for both.


A maximum of four courses may double count between the IRPS major and any other majors or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with general education requirements. 

Disciplinary Core Courses (42-48 units)

Students must complete all of the following disciplinary core courses.

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-110The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology9
or 73-102 Principles of Microeconomics
or 73-103 Principles of Macroeconomics
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
84-226International Relations9
84-275Comparative Politics9
84-450Policy Seminar6-12
or 84-336 Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality
or 84-339 Seminar in Public Policy Research
Methodology Core Courses (36 units)

Students must complete all of the following methodology core courses.

84-250Writing for Political Science and Policy9
84-266Research Design for Political Science9
84-369Decision Science for International Relations9
36-202Methods for Statistics & Data Science9
Language Requirement

Students are required to complete a course at the Intermediate II level or higher of a modern language other than English. Advanced level study is strongly encouraged. Students who successfully pass a language placement exam on campus, at the intermediate II level or higher, are required to take an advanced language course to satisfy the language requirement.

Electives (54 units)

Students must complete 54 units (usually six courses) from the elective lists below. At least four courses (36 units) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (84-xxx). Most courses listed below are 9-unit courses, but some are fewer. When students choose courses offered for fewer than 9 units, they must remember that a minimum of 54 units is still required and thus plan to take one or more additional courses to fill out that minimum number.  In other words, the key requirement is the number of units (54), not the number of courses.

CMIST Electives
84-120Introduction to US Constitutional Law9
84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-252Briefing in the Policy World6
84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9
84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-303International Human Rights6
84-304In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities6
84-306Latin American Politics9
84-309American Political Divides and Great Debates9
84-310Policy in a Global Economy 1: International Trade and Trade Policy6
84-311Policy in a Global Economy 2: International Macroeconomics and Finance6
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-313International Organizations and Law Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP6
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-318Politics of Developing Nations9
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-322Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-332Contemporary US Constitutional Law Issues Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP6
84-338Analysis of US Presidential Powers Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP6
84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-351Bias, Objectivity, and the Media's Role in Politics6
84-352Representation and Voting Rights9
84-354The American Experiment: Unravelling the US Electoral System6
84-355Democracy's Data: Analytics and Insights into American Elections9
84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP24
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-367The Politics of Antisemitism9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
84-405The Future of Warfare9
84-440Collaborative Research in Political ScienceVar.
Additional Electives
19-452EPP Projects II12
70-342Managing Across Cultures9
70-365International Trade and International Law9
70-430International Management9
73-332Political Economy9
76-318Communicating in the Global Marketplace9
79-203The Other Europe: The Habsburgs, Communism, & Central/Eastern Europe, 1740-19909
79-20520th Century Europe9
79-223Mexico: From the Aztec Empire to the Drug War9
79-227Modern Africa: The Slave Trade to the End of Apartheid9
79-229The Origins of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, 1880-19489
79-230The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Peace Process Through 1948 to Present9
79-257Germany and the Second World War9
79-262Modern China: From the Birth of Mao ... to Now9
79-264Tibet and China: History and Propaganda9
79-265Russian History: Game of Thrones9
79-266Russian History and Revolutionary Socialism9
79-267The Soviet Union in World War II: Military, Political, and Social History9
79-275Introduction to Global Studies9
79-288Bananas, Baseball, and Borders: Latin America and the United States9
79-301History of Surveillance: From the Plantation to Data Capitalism6
79-302Killer Robots? The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Drones and A.I. in War9
79-313"Unwanted": Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Patterns of Global Migration6
79-314How Do We Remember? The Politics and Cultures of Memory9
79-318Sustainable Social Change: History and Practice9
79-320Women, Politics, and Protest9
79-343Education, Democracy, and Civil Rights9
79-377Food, Culture, and Power: A History of Eating9
79-385Out of Africa: The Making of the African Diaspora9
80-135Introduction to Political Philosophy9
80-136Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethics9
80-249AI, Society, and Humanity9
80-335Social and Political Philosophy9
80-348Health, Human Rights, and International Development9
80-447Global Justice9
Advanced Level Modern Language Course Any 300 or 400 level Modern Language Course
88-234Negotiation: International Focus9
88-281Topics in Law: 1st Amendment9
88-284Topics of Law: The Bill of Rights9
88-411Rise of the Asian Economies9

NOTE: Some courses have additional prerequisites.

Sample four-year plan

These sample curricula represent a plan for completing the requirements for the B.S. in International Relations and Political Science. International Relations and Political Science (IRPS) students are encouraged to spend a semester studying and interning in Washington, DC, through the CMU/WSP, and/or study abroad. The plan below demonstrates that a semester off-campus fits well into the curriculum. As with most majors in Dietrich College, the IRPS major can be completed in as few as two years of undergraduate study, not that it must be. Students may declare the BS in International Relations and Political Science as early as the second semester of the first-year and should consult frequently with the deputy director of academic affairs (see above) about their course of study. Please note that this is only a sample plan of study and not the only possible plan of study.  The IRPS major and Dietrich College General Education curricula provide a high degree of flexibility in sequencing and coursework. Double counting between the major and the General Education requirements is unlimited.  The plan below shows a very conservative view of double counting. 

84-104 Decision Processes in American Political Institutions84-110 The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology84-226 International Relations36-202 Methods for Statistics & Data Science
36-200 Reasoning with Data84-250 Writing for Political Science and Policy84-266 Research Design for Political ScienceLanguage Course*
Grand Challenge Seminar84-275 Comparative PoliticsLanguage Course*General Education
First-Year WritingDisciplinary Perspectives: HumanitiesGeneral EducationGeneral Education
Language Course*Language Course*IRPS ElectiveIRPS Elective
99-101 Core@CMU

*If starting a Modern Language at the Elementary I level, four semesters of language study are required for the IRPS major.  AP credit or a language placement exam may allow students to begin at CMU in a level higher than Elementary I and have fewer required semesters of language study. 

84-369 Decision Science for International RelationsCMU/WSP or STUDY ABROAD*IRPS Elective84-450 Policy Seminar (if student does not participate in CMU/WSP)
IRPS ElectiveExploreIRPS ElectiveIRPS Elective
General EducationExploreIRPS ElectiveGeneral Education
General EducationExploreGeneral EducationExplore
ExploreExploreGeneral EducationExplore

*All students are strongly encouraged to participate in the CMU/WSP and/or in a study abroad program.  Spring semester of the junior year is a popular semester to study off-campus. However, International Relations and Political Science majors may participate in the CMU/WSP or study abroad in spring of sophomore year, either semester of junior year or senior year. Students should consult the deputy director when planning their curricular program.
**Students who participate in the CMU/WSP will complete the Policy Seminar requirement while studying in Washington, DC. Students who do not participate in the CMU/WSP will take the Policy Seminar in the spring of the senior year in Pittsburgh.

Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Security, and Technology

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The major in Political Science, Security, and Technology takes a social science (not technical) approach to studying emerging technologies that affect war and peace. There is no better place to study security and technology than Carnegie Mellon University, a thought leader in global and national security issues, policies, and strategies related to digital technologies.  CMU students are uniquely poised to influence the future, with cutting-edge research happening across campus in all the relevant technological areas--e.g., machine learning, cybersecurity, robotics, big data, neuroscience, human-computer interaction, human enhancement, synthetic biology, and various types of artificial intelligence.  

In this course of study, Carnegie Mellon undergraduates learn how to analyze the political, economic, social, and ethical dimensions of new technologies, equipping themselves to contribute to vital political debates and influence technological developments in the public interest.

The lesson of the past few years is that the pace of technological change will only increase, and its impact on the future of humanity will also grow.  In particular, the geopolitical implications of various forms of artificial intelligence are well along, including their impacts on work, health, environmental protection, and especially conflict. The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan and elsewhere reflect the role of autonomous weapons, loitering munitions, UAVs, voice-cloning tools, and open-source intelligence driven by machine learning tools.

The full effects of these technologies are some years away, but our students must be equipped to shape and adapt to them. Most serious among these effects will be the impacts on war and peace, what it means to be human, patterns of economic prosperity, and the future of global stability.

Students in this major read, employ, and create evidence-based research that addresses and shapes the future of technology in national and international security.  In choosing their electives, students have the opportunity to emphasize either the international or domestic American aspects of this topic. Challenges posed by digital technologies affect people of all political parties, in the United States and throughout the world, especially in democracies. 

Our goal is to educate students who emerging knowing not only about the risks and benefits of new technologies in historical context, but are also able to frame broad questions and use political science methods, theories, and approaches to address them.

We teach a range of methodologies to prepare our students for the challenges of the 21st century, both within the United States and abroad. These include introductions not only to traditional political science approaches (such as comparative case studies, archival analysis, database construction, and regression analysis), but also to newer tools such as visual geospatial mapping, sensor-driven machine learning, and the employment of large language models.  

Our budding political scientists may not personally build new technological tools (as they do in other parts of Carnegie Mellon University); but they’ll know how to use them effectively to forecast problems, identify potential backlash, and answer important questions. They’ll design research projects that address political, ethical, and strategic questions related to security and technology, in everything from voting in democratic elections to robotic targeting during warfare, in both the United States and abroad.

Political Science, Security, and Technology is available as a primary major and additional major. The requirements are the same for both.


A maximum of four courses may double count between the PSST major and any other majors or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with General Education requirements. 

Political Science Core (36 units)

Students must complete all of the following core courses.

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-226International Relations9
84-250Writing for Political Science and Policy9
84-275Comparative Politics9

Security and Technology Core (45 Units)

Students must complete: 

84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9

Students must complete 36 units from the following list of courses:

84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-405The Future of Warfare9

Methodology Core (18 Units)

Students must complete all of the following courses.

84-266Research Design for Political Science9
36-202Methods for Statistics & Data Science9

Electives (54 Units)

Students must complete 54 units (usually six courses) in total. At least four courses (36 units) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (84-xxx). Most courses listed below are 9-unit courses, but some are fewer. When students choose courses offered for fewer than 9 units, they must remember that a minimum of 54 units is still required and thus plan to take one or more additional courses to fill out that minimum number. In other words, the key requirement is the number of units (54), not the number of courses. Courses taken in the Security and Technology core above and beyond the required number of units for the core may count as electives for the major. 

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP) and courses taken through the program may count toward electives for the major. 

International Security
84-110The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology9
84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-304In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities6
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-313International Organizations and Law6
84-322Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-336Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality12
84-339Seminar in Public Policy Research12
84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar24
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-369Decision Science for International Relations9
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-440Collaborative Research in Political ScienceVar.
Domestic American Politics
84-120Introduction to US Constitutional Law9
84-252Briefing in the Policy World6
84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-309American Political Divides and Great Debates9
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-332Contemporary US Constitutional Law Issues6
84-336Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality12
84-338Analysis of US Presidential Powers6
84-339Seminar in Public Policy Research12
84-352Representation and Voting Rights9
84-355Democracy's Data: Analytics and Insights into American Elections9
84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar24
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-367The Politics of Antisemitism9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
Additional Electives in Security and Technology
17-200Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing9
17-303Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains and Applications9
17-331Information Security, Privacy, and Policy12
17-333Privacy Policy, Law, and Technology9
17-334Usable Privacy and Security9
19-403Policies of Wireless Systems12
70-334Ethics of Emerging Technologies9
79-234Technology and Society9
79-301History of Surveillance: From the Plantation to Data Capitalism6
79-302Killer Robots? The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Drones and A.I. in War9
79-370Technology in the United States9
80-249AI, Society, and Humanity9
95-444Cybersecurity Policy and Governance II12

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Politics

Politics and economics are deeply interconnected. Political institutions and decision-making impact economic growth, income distribution, and many other aspects of economic life. Both fiscal and monetary policies affect the economy, but these policies are often employed with political considerations in mind and can influence political activity. For example, while the United Nations is often thought of in purely political terms, the Security Council can and does impose sanctions on countries--an example of an economic policy used for political change.

The Economics and Politics major is offered jointly between the Undergraduate Economics Program (UEP) and the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Security and Technology (CMIST). Students are equal members of both academic units and receive advising from both units. The major will appeal to any student interested in the design, evaluation, and political implementation of policy. It will be especially attractive to students considering careers in politics, government agencies, political and business consulting, lobbying, or the law.

The BS in Economics and Politics is an interdisciplinary major. The major will develop the political context and underpinnings of economic policy making. It will explore how political institutions resolve the tradeoffs and disagreements associated with policymaking and how they can facilitate or impede desirable economic outcomes.

CMIST strengths lie in topics such as emerging technology, national security, and grand strategy. Economic policy is one facet of grand strategy, through which governments pursue domestic and international goals. It will enable students to understand economic statecraft from a broad perspective. This major will address key issues such as how multilateral economic institutions such as the IMF and World Bank use economic coercion.  Whether coercion is successful or not depends not only on the levers of power but on also on variations in regime structures, alongside complex linkages in the international economy. For example, the viability of the “Euro Zone” depends on whether the political-economic agreements necessary to mitigate institutional weaknesses are politically feasible or destined to failure.   In short, international economics affects everything from human rights practices to global compliance with climate change treaties.

Economics and Politics is available as both a primary and an additional major. The requirements are the same for both.


Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all courses taken in the Department of Economics (73-xxx).


Students must complete all of the following courses.

21-120Differential and Integral Calculus10
or 21-112 Calculus II
21-256Multivariate Analysis9
or 21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
Foundations (36 units)

Students must complete all of the following courses.

73-102Principles of Microeconomics *9
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated
73-103Principles of Macroeconomics9
84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-275Comparative Politics9
*Students who place out of 73-102 based on the economics placement exam will receive a pre-req waiver for 73-102 and are waived from taking 73-102 
Core (63 units)

Students must complete all of the following courses.

73-230Intermediate Microeconomics9
73-240Intermediate Macroeconomics9
73-265Economics and Data Science9
73-274Econometrics I9
84-226International Relations9
84-266Research Design for Political Science9
84-310Policy in a Global Economy 1: International Trade and Trade Policy9
Communication (9 units)

Students must complete one course from the following list.

84-250Writing for Political Science and Policy9
Electives (27 units)

Majors are required to take 27 units (three courses) from the elective lists below.  At least one course (9 units) must be taken from Economics (73-xxx) and at least one course (9 units) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Security and Technology (84-xxx).  Students may complete electives through coursework in the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP).

Economics Electives
73-328Health Economics12
73-332Political Economy9
73-338Financial Crises and Risk9
73-352Public Economics9
73-353Financial Regulation in the Digital Age9
73-359Benefit-Cost Analysis9
73-365Firms, Market Structures, and Strategy9
73-421Emerging Markets9
73-427Sustainability, Energy, and Environmental Economics9
International Relations and Political Science Electives
84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-252Briefing in the Policy World6
84-303International Human Rights6
84-304In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities6
84-306Latin American Politics9
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-313International Organizations and Law Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP6
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-318Politics of Developing Nations9
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-322Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-336Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP12
84-339Seminar in Public Policy Research Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP12
84-352Representation and Voting Rights9
84-354The American Experiment: Unravelling the US Electoral System6
84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar Taught in Washington, DC, through CMU/WSP12
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-369Decision Science for International Relations9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
84-405The Future of Warfare9
84-440Collaborative Research in Political ScienceVar.
Additional Electives
19-411Science and Innovation Leadership for the 21st Century: Firms, Nations, and Tech9
19-425Sustainable Energy for the Developing World9
70-365International Trade and International Law9
70-430International Management9
79-280Coffee and Capitalism9
79-318Sustainable Social Change: History and Practice9
80-135Introduction to Political Philosophy9
80-136Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethics9
80-335Social and Political Philosophy9
80-348Health, Human Rights, and International Development9
80-447Global Justice9
88-323Policy in a Global Economy9
88-366Behavioral Economics of Poverty and Development9
CAPSTONE (15-21 units)

Students must complete all of the following courses.

84-450Policy Seminar6
73-497Senior Project
or Senior Honors Thesis
Note: Students in the BS in Economics and Politics who complete a Dietrich or Tepper Honors Thesis in economics may use 73-497 (Senior Project) as an economics elective. 


A maximum of four courses may double count with another major or minor.

SAMPLE Four Year Plan

These sample curricula represent a plan for completing the requirements for the B.S. in Economics and Politics. Economics and Politics students are encouraged to spend a semester studying and interning in Washington, DC, through the CMU/WSP, and/or study abroad. The plan below demonstrates that a semester off-campus fits well into the curriculum. Students may declare the BS in Economics and Politics as early as the second semester of the freshman year and should consult frequently with the Economics and Politics advisors about their course of study. Please note that this is only a sample plan of study and not the only possible plan of study.  The Economics and Politics major and Dietrich College General Education curricula provide a high degree of flexibility in sequencing and coursework. Double counting between the major and General Education requirements is unlimited.  The plan below shows a very conservative view of double counting. 

21-120 Differential and Integral Calculus21-256 Multivariate Analysis73-230 Intermediate Microeconomics73-240 Intermediate Macroeconomics
36-200 Reasoning with Data73-103 Principles of Macroeconomics73-265 Economics and Data Science73-274 Econometrics I
73-102 Principles of Microeconomics84-275 Comparative Politics84-226 International RelationsCommunication Course (84-250 or 73-270)
84-104 Decision Processes in American Political InstitutionsFirst-Year Writing84-266 Research Design for Political ScienceGeneral Education
Grand Challenge SeminarDisciplinary Perspectives: Humanities84-310 Policy in a Global Economy 1: International Trade and Trade PolicyGeneral Education
99-101 Core@CMU

General EducationCMU/WSP or Study Abroad73-497 Senior Project84-450 Policy Seminar
General EducationExploreGeneral EducationGeneral Education
General EducationExploreEconomics & Politics ElectiveExplore
General EducationExploreEconomics & Politics ElectiveExplore
Economics & Politics ElectiveExploreExploreExplore

Minor in American Politics and Law  

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The minor in American Politics and Law is designed to equip students with comprehensive insights into the political and legal landscape of the United States. Our curriculum emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, blending theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Students have the opportunity to engage with a variety of courses that cover key aspects of American civics, policy development, and legal principles. A core objective of this program is to nurture critical and analytical thinking skills through engagement with primary source materials, real world examples of policy and legal conflicts, and current events and matters of national policy debate. Students are challenged to dissect and debate major policy issues facing the nation, fostering their ability to develop, draft, and articulate informed political analyses and recommendations on complex matters.

Through this minor, students will develop a robust understanding of both the historical and contemporary dynamics of American politics and law. This approach ensures that they not only grasp the fundamentals but also learn to apply this knowledge in real-world scenarios. It provides a gateway to understanding the intricate workings of American governance and law, and a platform for building a career that makes a meaningful impact in society. The skills and objectives learned in the minor provide students from any discipline with core and foundational knowledge that is particularly useful for students entering law school, as well as other potential future careers in policymaking, politics, non-governmental organizations, political analysis, and legislative affairs, at all levels of government. In addition to those aspiring to careers in the public sector or law, the program is also uniquely tailored for students from diverse academic backgrounds seeking to integrate an understanding of American politics, domestic and international law into other disciplines. 

Curriculum (60-63 units)

Students may double count a maximum of two courses with another major or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with General Education requirements.

Foundational (18 units): 

Students must complete all of the following courses:

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-120Introduction to US Constitutional Law9

Communication (6-9 units):

Students must complete one of the following courses:

84-250Writing for Political Science and Policy9
84-252Briefing in the Policy World6
American Politics (18 units):

Students must complete 18 units from the following list of courses:

84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-304In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities6
84-309American Political Divides and Great Debates9
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-338Analysis of US Presidential Powers6
84-351Bias, Objectivity, and the Media's Role in Politics6
84-352Representation and Voting Rights9
84-354The American Experiment: Unravelling the US Electoral System6
84-355Democracy's Data: Analytics and Insights into American Elections9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-367The Politics of Antisemitism9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
79-248U.S. Constitution & the Presidency9
79-250Voting Rights: An Introduction9


Law (18 units):

Students must complete 18 units from the following list of courses:

84-313International Organizations and Law6
84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-332Contemporary US Constitutional Law Issues6
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
17-333Privacy Policy, Law, and Technology9
66-221Topics of Law: Introduction to Intellectual Property Law9
70-364Business Law6
73-408Law and Economics9
76-219Law & Blame9
76-475Law, Performance, and Identity9
79-360Crime, Policing, and the Law: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives9
88-281Topics in Law: 1st Amendment9
88-284Topics of Law: The Bill of Rights9

Minor in Cybersecurity and International Conflict

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The minor in cybersecurity and international conflict analyzes the past, present, and future role of cyber conflict and cybersecurity in international politics. Cyber attacks by nation-states and their proxies have the potential to reshape how wars are fought in the twenty-first century. The complexity and policy challenges of cyber-engagements is immense. This minor addresses the role of deterrence, dissuasion, and attribution in cyber conflict, while also studying the nuances of key components of modern warfare—from the security dilemma to escalation management and beyond.

Courses in this minor focus on the existing gaps in our understanding of cybersecurity and international conflict, such as whether cyberspace is offense or defense dominant (or over time fluid between the two), and which factors are important in determining the answer.  Other relevant questions include how nation-states, their primary adversaries, and a bevy of nonstate actors engage online and in the virtual and information environments. Accordingly, the minor exposes students to basic technology concepts, methods of attack and defense, potential strategy and goals for cyber-engagement, and response and forensics for cyber-engagements.

Alongside conventional methods of warfare, cybersecurity has rapidly developed into a centerpiece of a state’s ability to protect and project power. As the United States and other emerging cyber powers craft and implement doctrine in this domain, there is likely to be a rapid increase in activity, from efforts to disrupt the online activities of global terrorist networks, to cybersecurity offense and defense in the Russia-Ukraine war, to near daily raids on foreign networks designed to cripple states’ cyberweapons before they can be deployed.  In addition, the impacts of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, theft of intellectual property, pervasive identity theft, and hacking of sensitive databases have accumulated, gradually wearing down civilian networks and achieving strategic effects over time.

In the shifting landscape of cyber capabilities, how will laws, authorities, and policies keep pace? What are the implications and consequences of actions that may be considered “short of war” by some countries but “above the threshold” of conflict by others? Will a more aggressive defensive posture with respect to cybersecurity inadvertently increase the risk of conflict with states that sponsor malicious hacking groups? What is the proper balance between offense and defense in cybersecurity and how are cyber operations best integrated into a country’s overall military strategy?

Unlike some other kinds of tactics, attribution of cyber attacks presents significant challenges. Indeed, in many cases, it can be difficult to quickly determine whether the attacker is a nation-state, a nonstate actor, a criminal gang, or a lone hacktivist. Investigators must combine technical and traditional methods to identify potentially responsible parties and to understand their intent. If the aggressor’s identity cannot be quickly confirmed, how can a counterattack be launched?  Some attackers may seek to mount “false flag” attacks and deception, for example, that misdirect defenders to counter-attack in the wrong direction.

Additionally, what are appropriate responses to attacks made on civilian infrastructure and private business operations, such as in the areas of financial services, transportation, energy, entertainment, and health care? In other words, what are the appropriate rules of engagement for attacks on national systems, infrastructural systems, businesses, and individuals? When, for example, is a counterattack or a “kinetic” response permissible?

These questions have major implications for the study of war and peace. Those who seek to start a war may be harder to find and their motives more difficult to discern. The cybersecurity and international conflict minor tackles the social-scientific dimensions of cybersecurity with a focus on the implications of the cyber age for modern statecraft, warfare, elections (local, state, and national), and domestic and international politics. 

60 units

Students are permitted to double count a maximum of two courses between the minor in Cybersecurity and International Conflict and another major or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with general education requirements. 

Foundational Course

Students must take one of the following foundational courses (9 units):

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-226International Relations9
84-275Comparative Politics9
Core Courses

Students must take all of the following core courses (24 units):

84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-405The Future of Warfare9
Elective Courses

Students must take three courses from the following list of elective courses (27 units). At least one course (9 units) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST) and have an 84-number.

84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9
84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
16-735Ethics and Robotics12
17-200Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing9
17-303Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains and ApplicationsVar.
17-331Information Security, Privacy, and Policy12
17-333Privacy Policy, Law, and Technology9
17-334Usable Privacy and Security9
17-702Current Topics in Privacy Seminar3
79-301History of Surveillance: From the Plantation to Data Capitalism6
79-302Killer Robots? The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Drones and A.I. in War9
80-249AI, Society, and Humanity9
95-444Cybersecurity Policy and Governance II6

Minor in International Relations and Political Science

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The International Relations and Political Science (IRPS) minor is for students who want to learn how to think systematically and develop foundational knowledge about international and domestic politics. It examines international relations, comparative politics, and domestic politics from the discipline of political science. The minor emphasizes the importance of political institutions, decision making by leaders in shaping policy, and contemporary challenges to the international system.

Students wrestle with a wide range of issues including the future of democracy, the relationship between technology and politics, the drivers of war and peace, domestic politics across countries, and the formulation of effective foreign policies. Core courses for the IRPS minor establish a strong foundation in the study of political science and enable students to better understand the workings of political institutions, political behavior across countries, the decision-making of political leaders, the making of national and international policy, and prevailing challenges to the international system, among other topics. A rich set of electives allows students to investigate issues in security and technology, grand strategy and national security, cybersecurity and international conflict, military strategy and doctrine, the politics of key regions of the world, international political economy and economic policy, representation and voting rights, climate change and development, repression and human rights, international law and diplomacy, political psychology and public opinion, and social change and revolution.


63 units

A maximum of two courses may double count between the minor in International Relations and Political Science and another major or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with general education requirements. 

Core Courses

Students must take all of the following core courses (36 units):

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-226International Relations9
84-275Comparative Politics9
84-110The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology9
or 73-102 Principles of Microeconomics
or 73-103 Principles of Macroeconomics
or 73-104 Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated

Students select three courses (27 units) from the elective lists below.  Two courses (18 units) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST) and have an 84-number.

CMIST Electives
84-120Introduction to US Constitutional Law9
84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-252Briefing in the Policy World6
84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9
84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-303International Human Rights6
84-304In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities6
84-306Latin American Politics9
84-309American Political Divides and Great Debates9
84-310Policy in a Global Economy 1: International Trade and Trade Policy6
84-311Policy in a Global Economy 2: International Macroeconomics and Finance6
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-318Politics of Developing Nations9
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
84-322Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-351Bias, Objectivity, and the Media's Role in Politics6
84-352Representation and Voting Rights9
84-354The American Experiment: Unravelling the US Electoral System6
84-355Democracy's Data: Analytics and Insights into American Elections9
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-367The Politics of Antisemitism9
84-369Decision Science for International Relations9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-402Judicial Politics and Behavior9
84-405The Future of Warfare9
84-440Collaborative Research in Political ScienceVar.
Additional Electives
19-452EPP Projects II12
70-342Managing Across Cultures9
70-365International Trade and International Law9
70-430International Management9
73-332Political Economy9
76-318Communicating in the Global Marketplace9
79-203The Other Europe: The Habsburgs, Communism, & Central/Eastern Europe, 1740-19909
79-20520th Century Europe9
79-223Mexico: From the Aztec Empire to the Drug War9
79-227Modern Africa: The Slave Trade to the End of Apartheid9
79-229The Origins of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, 1880-19489
79-230The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Peace Process Through 1948 to Present9
79-257Germany and the Second World War9
79-262Modern China: From the Birth of Mao ... to Now9
79-264Tibet and China: History and Propaganda9
79-265Russian History: Game of Thrones9
79-266Russian History and Revolutionary Socialism9
79-267The Soviet Union in World War II: Military, Political, and Social History9
79-275Introduction to Global Studies9
79-288Bananas, Baseball, and Borders: Latin America and the United States9
79-301History of Surveillance: From the Plantation to Data Capitalism6
79-302Killer Robots? The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Drones and A.I. in War9
79-313"Unwanted": Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Patterns of Global Migration6
79-314How Do We Remember? The Politics and Cultures of Memory9
79-318Sustainable Social Change: History and Practice9
79-320Women, Politics, and Protest9
79-343Education, Democracy, and Civil Rights9
79-377Food, Culture, and Power: A History of Eating9
79-385Out of Africa: The Making of the African Diaspora9
80-135Introduction to Political Philosophy9
80-136Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethics9
80-249AI, Society, and Humanity9
80-335Social and Political Philosophy9
80-348Health, Human Rights, and International Development9
80-447Global Justice9
82-3xx 82-3xx or 4xx Advanced Level Modern Language Class
88-234Negotiation: International Focus9
88-281Topics in Law: 1st Amendment9
88-284Topics of Law: The Bill of Rights9
88-411Rise of the Asian Economies9

Minor in Military Strategy and International Relations

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The minor in Military Strategy and International Relations offers Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) undergraduates a course of study focusing on military strategy and the current national security landscape, including how cybersecurity and artificial intelligence influence national security decision making, and the full range of strategic challenges facing future leaders.

While the minor is open to all CMU undergraduates, it is particularly appropriate for CMU students embarking on the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program as well as those interested in pursuing defense-related careers. CMU typically has several dozen ROTC students annually, spread throughout the university, along with many others who are interested in defense and strategy issues. Many students major in STEM fields, where they learn valuable technical skills but are exposed to little of the wider strategic context facing military leaders and decision-makers or to the political and institutional frameworks in which they operate. This minor is designed to complement other disciplines and fill that gap.

In short, the Military Strategy and International Relations minor offers future military and defense leaders insight into the national and international strategic challenges they will navigate in the future.

The Military Strategy and International Relations minor teaches future leaders how diplomacy, information, economics, development, and defense intersect. It engages students in the whys and hows of national strategy, military planning, and the future of warfare. In addition, the minor emphasizes the political, legal, and institutional systems that shape military affairs, with core courses on the topics of civil-military relations, military strategy, governance, diplomacy, and policy decision-making.  Finally, the minor stresses the use of cutting-edge analytical and social science methods to prepare students for advanced training, study, and government or military service in national and international security. 

60 units
Students may double count a maximum of two courses (18 units) with another major or minor.  Unlimited double counting is permitted with general education requirements.

Core Courses
Students must take the following core courses (33 units):

Military Strategy
84-328Military Strategy and Doctrine9
84-319Civil-Military Relations9
Diplomacy (select one)
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy9
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft9
84-450Policy Seminar6

Students must complete a total of 27 units (typically three courses) from the following list of courses. At least 9 units (typically one course) must be taken from the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST) and have an 84-number.

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-120Introduction to US Constitutional Law9
84-200Security War Game Simulation6
84-226International Relations9
84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9
84-275Comparative Politics9
84-280Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies10
84-303International Human Rights6
84-309American Political Divides and Great Debates9
84-312Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa6
84-313International Organizations and Law6
84-317Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies6
84-318Politics of Developing Nations9
84-322Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution9
84-323War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East9
84-324The Future of Democracy9
84-325Contemporary American Foreign Policy If not used as a core course, course may count as an elective. 9
84-329Asian Strategies6
84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-362Diplomacy and Statecraft If not used as a core course, course may count as an elective. 9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-365The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation9
84-367The Politics of Antisemitism9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-380US Grand Strategy9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-386The Privatization of Force9
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-389Terrorism and Insurgency9
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-393Legislative Decision Making: US Congress9
84-405The Future of Warfare9
17-200Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing9
32-201Leadership & Management9
32-310Evolution Of Warfare9
32-402Leadership and Ethics9
79-257Germany and the Second World War9
79-268World War I: The Twentieth Century's First Catastrophe9
79-302Killer Robots? The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Drones and A.I. in War9
80-136Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethics9

Minor in Political Science, Security, and Technology 

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

The Minor in Political Science, Security, and Technology is designed for students who are majoring in fields from the arts and humanities to science, engineering, and computer science. By adding a new dimension to their major field of study, these students will gain the background and knowledge to address the ethical, social, and political dimensions of new technologies from a political science perspective.

The minor in Political Science, Security, and Technology takes a social science (not technical) approach to studying emerging technologies that affect war and peace. There is no better place to study security and technology than Carnegie Mellon University, a thought leader in global and national security issues, policies, and strategies related to digital technologies. CMU students are uniquely poised to influence the future, with cutting-edge research happening across campus in all the relevant technological areas--e.g., machine learning, cybersecurity, robotics, big data, neuroscience, human-computer interaction, human enhancement, synthetic biology, and various types of artificial intelligence.

In completing this course of study, Carnegie Mellon undergraduates will learn how to analyze the political, economic, social, and ethical dimensions of new technologies, equipping themselves to contribute to vital political debates and influence technological developments in the public interest.

Curriculum (63 units)

A maximum of two courses may double count between the minor in Politics and Public Policy and another major or minor.  Unlimited double counting is permitted with General Education requirements. 

Political Science Core (18 units)
Students must complete:

84-226International Relations9

Students must complete one of the following courses:

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-275Comparative Politics9

Security and Technology Core (45 units)

Students must complete:

84-274An Introduction to Technology and War9

Students must complete 36 units from the following list of courses:

84-349Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance9
84-350A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence9
84-363Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict9
84-370Nuclear Security & Arms Control9
84-372Space and National Security9
84-373Emerging Technologies and International Law9
84-383Cyber Policy as National Policy6
84-387Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict9
84-388Concepts of War and Cyber War6
84-390Social Media, Technology, and Conflict9
84-405The Future of Warfare9

Minor in Politics and Public Policy

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

Rooted in the discipline of political science, the minor in Politics and Public Policy investigates US public policy issues and other matters of domestic politics while providing students hands-on and practical learning experiences.  Students pursuing the Politics and Public Policy minor must participate in the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP) for one semester during their undergraduate years.

The CMU/WSP, sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST), is a semester-long program in which students live, intern, and take CMU classes on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.  Undergraduates from any course of study at the university may participate in the program. Students earn 48 units for the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program, interning about twenty-four hours per week in any sector or field of interest within the Washington, DC, metropolitan region, while taking classes on American politics, public policy, and law taught by CMU faculty. 

Through this experiential learning program, CMU/WSP participants develop professional and networking skills, explore how coursework connects to the real world, learn to give and receive constructive feedback in the workplace and classroom, and intentionally reflect on their learning and growth.  CMU/WSP students are connected with Washington, DC-based alumni to share career advice and tips about life in DC. CMIST also sponsors events and policy-oriented opportunities in Washington for students participating in the program to further enrich their experience and enhance their understanding of how Washington functions as a hub of international and US policy decision making.

Curriculum (66 units)
A maximum of two courses may double count between the minor in Politics and Public Policy and another major or minor. Unlimited double counting is permitted with general education requirements. 

Internship (24 units)

Students must take the following courses while participating in the CMU/WSP (24 units):

84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar24
Seminar on Public Policy Research, Writing and Implementation (12 units)

Full semester course. Options vary by semester. Students enroll in one course from the following list:

84-336Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality12
84-339Seminar in Public Policy Research12
Seminars on American Politics, Governance, Institutions, and Law (12 units)

Students enroll in one course in each mini during the semester they are in Washington, DC, for a total of 2 seminars and 12 units:

84-332Contemporary US Constitutional Law Issues6
84-338Analysis of US Presidential Powers6
Foundational Course (9 units)

Students select one course (9 units) from the following list of courses offered at Carnegie Mellon University’s Pittsburgh or Qatar campus.  Students may take this course before or after participating in the CMU/WSP. Qatar students should contact the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs to identify appropriate substitutions taught in Qatar at neighboring universities. 

84-104Decision Processes in American Political Institutions9
84-226International Relations9
84-275Comparative Politics9
Data Science / Economics Requirement (9 units)

Students must complete one course (9 units) from the following list of courses offered Carnegie Mellon University’s Pittsburgh or Qatar campus.  Students may take this course before or after participating in the CMU/WSP.  

84-110The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology9
36-202Methods for Statistics & Data Science9
73-102Principles of Microeconomics9
73-103Principles of Macroeconomics9
73-104Principles of Microeconomics Accelerated9

Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director; 412-268-7082, Posner Hall 391

Ashley Barnes, Washington Program Manager; 202-608-8316, 100 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20002

The Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP), sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Security and Technology (CMIST), is a semester-long program in which students live, intern, and take CMU classes in Washington, DC. Full-time undergraduates from any course of study at the university may participate in the program. Students earn forty-eight units for the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program, interning about twenty-four hours per week in any sector or field of interest within Washington, DC, while taking classes taught by Carnegie Mellon faculty. 

From embassies to nongovernmental organizations, think tanks to advocacy organizations, government agencies to congressional offices, and consulting firms to media outlets, Washington, DC, is the center for many political, international relations, and public policy activities. Students in the program come into direct contact with political, business, and community leaders and learn about the most pressing policy issues of the day.

Through this experiential learning program, CMU/WSP participants develop professional and networking skills, explore how coursework connects to the real world, learn to give and receive constructive feedback in the workplace and classroom, and intentionally reflect on their learning and growth. Every CMU/WSP student is paired with a Washington, DC-based alumni mentor to share career advice and tips about life in DC. CMIST also sponsors events and policy-oriented opportunities in Washington for students participating in the program to further enrich their experience and enhance their understanding of how Washington functions as a hub of international and policy decision making. 

Students should contact the Washington Program Manager to discuss the specifics of the program and the deputy director to discuss how the CMU/WSP may fit into their curriculum.   Students who participate in the CMU/WSP may qualify for a minor in Politics and Public Policy.

Applications are accepted on a rolling admission basis with a final deadline of October 1, for spring semester participation, and March 1, for fall semester participation. 


Students who are admitted to the CMU/WSP will be enrolled in the 3 unit (pass/no pass) course 84-215 Tomorrow's Professionals in the mini semester directly preceding their time in DC.

During the semester in Washington, all students enroll in the following core seminars (24 units).

Core Seminars
84-360CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar24
84-450Policy Seminar6

Students must enroll in 24 units from the below list of elective seminars.  Offerings vary by semester.

Elective Seminars
84-313International Organizations and Law6
84-336Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality12
84-339Seminar in Public Policy Research12

Master of Science in Security, Technology, and International Relations (MS STAIR)- Accelerated Track (AMP)

Audrey Kurth Cronin, Director, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology, Posner Hall 385A

Emily Half, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Posner Hall 391, 412-268-7082

Mark Gardner, Graduate Program Manager, Posner Hall 387D, 412-268-7227

The Master of Science in Security, Technology, and International Relations (MS STAIR) takes a social science approach to studying global trends and technologies that affect war and peace. In completing this course of study, Carnegie Mellon University masters students will learn how to analyze the political, economic, social, and ethical dimensions of new technologies, equipping themselves to contribute to vital political debates and influence policy developments in the public interest.

The lesson of the past few years is that the pace of technological change will only increase, and its impact on the future of humanity will also grow.  In particular, the geopolitical implications of various forms of artificial intelligence are well along, including their impacts on work, health, environmental protection, and especially conflict. The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan and elsewhere reflect the role of autonomous weapons, loitering munitions, UAVs, voice-cloning tools, and open-source intelligence driven by machine learning tools.

Perhaps even more fundamental in its impact, synthetic biology will alter every aspect of human existence. Today it is easy to read (DNA sequencing), write (DNA synthesizing), alter (gene editing) and share (via the internet) genetic code. This makes synthetic biology as revolutionary as the printing press was in the 15th century-- both for good (curing diseases like cancer) or ill (creating new, dangerous pathogens). 

The full effects of these technologies are some years away, but graduate students heading into government, non-governmental organization and private tech sector careers must be well-equipped to shape and adapt to them. Technological change is affecting war and peace, the distribution of wealth, the value of work, the definition of truth, what it means to be human, and the future of global stability.

There is no better place to study these topics than Carnegie Mellon University, a thought leader in global and national security issues, policies, and strategies related to digital technologies. CMU graduate students will be uniquely poised to influence the future, with cutting-edge research happening across the Pittsburgh campus in all the relevant technological areas-- e.g., machine learning, cybersecurity, robotics, big data, neuroscience, human-computer interaction, human enhancement, synthetic biology, and various types of artificial intelligence. 

In addition to its Pittsburgh location, the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology (CMIST) has a robust presence in Washington, DC, where it focuses on understanding, shaping, and contributing to the policymaking process across national and international agencies and organizations. With a well-located facility in the heart of Capitol Hill-- across from the U.S. Capitol building and adjacent to the Supreme Court-- CMIST provides graduate students with privileged access to current and former policymakers, excellent teaching by experienced professionals, and networking opportunities through career-enhancing internships.

The MS STAIR is a 12-month program that includes two semesters in Pittsburgh (fall, spring) and a final (summer) semester in Washington, DC. For the accelerated version of the program, students will have already completed a semester in Washington, DC, and an internship through the Carnegie Mellon University Washington Semester Program (CMU/WSP) during their undergraduate coursework at CMU. Participation in the CMU/WSP is a prerequisite for the MS STAIR-AMP. They will complete the graduate coursework in one additional academic year (5th year) and graduate in May. Full curricular details and application information are available on the CMIST website


Course Descriptions

About Course Numbers:

Each Carnegie Mellon course number begins with a two-digit prefix that designates the department offering the course (i.e., 76-xxx courses are offered by the Department of English). Although each department maintains its own course numbering practices, typically, the first digit after the prefix indicates the class level: xx-1xx courses are freshmen-level, xx-2xx courses are sophomore level, etc. Depending on the department, xx-6xx courses may be either undergraduate senior-level or graduate-level, and xx-7xx courses and higher are graduate-level. Consult the Schedule of Classes each semester for course offerings and for any necessary pre-requisites or co-requisites.

84-104 Decision Processes in American Political Institutions
Fall: 9 units
This is an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of politics and government in the United States. It familiarizes the student with the basic structures and processes of American government, but moves beyond the purely descriptive into the realm of the analytical. The main theoretical tools are spatial models of political decision-making, and models of collective action problems. The position taken in this course is that understanding American philosophical ideas about authority, power, and freedom is as central to demystifying the U.S. form of democracy as is understanding how decision-making institutions function. Thus, on one side, this course looks at how American political thought is infused into political institutions and society. On the other side, it investigates institutional arrangements using rationalistic theories. In addition, scientific writings at the intersection of psychology and economics are used to probe the possibility of gaining explanatory leverage on U.S. politics from the perspective of behavioral decision-making theories.
84-110 The Economics of Politics, Policy, and Technology
Spring: 9 units
This course provides a broad introduction to economic analysis for political scientists. The first part of the course will cover the principles of microeconomics and game theory as the foundational tools for economic and policy analysis. The next segment of the course will apply these tools to build an understanding of macroeconomics and international finance and trade. The final portion of the course will focus on recent global trade disruptions and policy responses aimed at developing resilient supply chains. The role of technology, innovation, and technology policy will be emphasized across all course topics.
84-120 Introduction to US Constitutional Law
Spring: 9 units
This course provides an introduction to the United States Constitution and the principles of constitutional law. Using landmark Supreme Court cases that have shaped the development of constitutional law in the United States, students will gain familiarity with legal arguments and understand historical, political, social, and moral dimensions of the American constitutional structure. The course will explore the structure of the Constitution, the powers of the federal government, and the relationship between the federal government and the states. The course will also cover the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment, including the protections afforded by these amendments and the ways in which they have been interpreted by the Supreme Court. Throughout the course, students will engage with key constitutional concepts, including federalism, separation of powers, and individual rights.
84-198 Research Training
Fall and Spring
This course is part of a set of 100-level courses offered by Dietrich College departments as independent studies for second-semester freshmen, and first- or second-semester sophomores, in the College. In general, these courses are designed to give students some real research experience through work on a faculty project or lab in ways that might stimulate and nurture subsequent interest in research participation. Faculty and students devise a personal and regularized meeting and task schedule. Each Research Training course is worth 9 units, which generally means a minimum for students of about 9 work-hours per week. These courses are offered only as electives; i.e., they cannot be applied toward a college or major requirement, although the units do count toward graduation as elective units. Additional details (including a roster and descriptions of Research Training Courses available in any given semester) are available in the Academic Advisory Center. Restrictions: for Dietrich College students only; only for second-semester freshmen, or first- or second-semester sophomores; minimum cumulative QPA of 3.0 (at the time of registration) required for approved entry; additional prerequisites (e.g., language proficiency) may arise out of the particular demands of the research project in question.
84-200 Security War Game Simulation
Spring: 6 units
This course is a seven-week national security simulation run in coordination with Valens Global in which students will have an assigned role as a state or non-state actor and work within teams to develop policy responses to a security crisis that changes and develops over time, in response to team moves and other factors. The simulation changes each year but generally involves great power competition, directly and through non-state actor proxies. Participants will need to gain an understanding of the facts through a complex information environment that is polluted with misinformation that allows actors to engage in manipulation and deception. Students will learn how to analyze national security problems, develop and analyze options, advocate for their position, negotiate, and work within a team, as well as with other teams.
84-215 Tomorrow's Professionals
Fall and Spring: 3 units
Professionalism is the cornerstone of a healthy and productive workplace. It is a defining component of success, but it is not innate. Rather, professionalism is taught and learned. It should be practiced deliberately and developed over time and with experience. It is a specific skill set that positions individuals for success. This seminar is designed to facilitate students' deliberate thinking about professionalism, so that they can begin to practice it, building their unique brands, ensuring excellence in their internships and thus future careers. Throughout the seminar, we will discuss professional conduct, leadership, and strategies for success. We will discuss real-time workplace challenges, and problem-solve as a group to develop meaningful resolutions. Professionalism is a lifelong skill. The goal of this seminar is to provide students with the necessary tools to begin building their professional careers. Given the right tool set, it will catapult a career forward and open doors indefinitely.
84-226 International Relations
Fall: 9 units
This course introduces students to the discipline of international relations (IR) and enables students to examine the causes of war and peace, the role of international institutions and non-state actors in world politics, and the forces that shape international political economy. The course introduces key concepts in world politics like power and order, reviews the modern history of IR from colonialism to today, and surveys a broad range of IR theories and analytical tools that help explain global politics and aid in foreign policy analysis. Finally, students engage in contemporary policy debates about world politics - from the War in Ukraine to the rise of China to the future of globalization - and grapple with ethical issues related to foreign policy decision-making. Students who previously completed 84-326 Theories of International Relations are not eligible to take this course.
84-250 Writing for Political Science and Policy
Spring: 9 units
Writing and briefing are essential skills in the policy discipline. This course will equip students with the tools necessary to enter professional policy-related domains. We will use a workshop format that promotes classroom discussions, small group work and practical exercises simulating real world experiences. The workshop format is intended to emphasize communication, writing effectiveness and leadership, as well as to increase students' comfort levels with both receiving, applying, discussing and delivering constructive feedback and criticism. It is also intended to make this class fun and engaging, creating a safe and welcoming environment for students to reflect on their own work, and their colleagues'. During the course, students will write a policy memo, an op-ed, and a National Security Memo, (as well as some smaller additional writing assignments) as well as deliver multiple professional-style briefings for a variety of audiences. This is a writing intensive course, with a heavy emphasis on professional briefing and presenting. As such, students should expect to write and brief... a lot! This workshop-based model allows students to incorporate and give feedback in real time. The intent is that students will develop the skills necessary to enter future professional environments and hit the ground running. Students will work within small groups and with the professor to identify a topic Area of Interest (AOR) that will be the basis for most of their course work- allowing students to focus on an area in which they would like to develop subject matter expertise (SME), as well as one they find interesting and stimulating.
84-252 Briefing in the Policy World
Fall: 6 units
Briefing is a critical skill for the policy world as it is the most direct and formal means of communication with the policy and or decision maker. One successful brief can fast-track a career, identify you as a subject-matter-expert, and open dialogue with customers- helping build important relationships in the policy world. Briefing is a combination of presentation, flexibility and the projection of confidence- and is developed through experience. Briefing in the Policy World will equip students with the skills and confidence to excel in this realm.
84-266 Research Design for Political Science
Fall: 9 units
This course develops foundational skills in causal inference and research design in political science. It prepares students to read, interpret, and critique research effectively, and helps them begin the process of learning how to conduct original empirical research in political science. Students will learn how to formulate research questions, generate hypotheses, and design appropriate tests of those hypotheses. They will also gain exposure to different qualitative and quantitative analytical methods in the field, including case studies, surveys, interviews, process tracing, counterfactuals, regressions, and experiments.
Prerequisite: 36-200
84-267 Data Science for Political Science
Spring: 9 units
This course develops foundational skills in data science and quantitative analysis. The course provides students with hands-on experience in using and analyzing data to answer questions in international relations and political science. Students will learn how to wrangle, clean, or create data to test hypotheses, and how to summarize and visualize data effectively. They will also learn the fundamentals of applied bivariate and multivariate regression analysis, including model specification, estimation, and overall fit assessment, as well as the assumptions of regression analysis and their implications.
Prerequisite: 36-200
84-274 An Introduction to Technology and War
Fall: 9 units
"Advancements" in military technology over time have enabled countries to kill quickly, with pinpoint precision, and on a massive scale from thousands of miles away. Today, emerging technologies also empower state and non-state actors to use lethal force via remote control and may even allow machines to kill autonomously. While once the purview of science fiction, lethal autonomous weapons systems-sometimes referred to as killer robots-are becoming a reality. This course will trace developments in military technology from the gunpowder revolution in the 15th century and the nuclear revolution in the 20th century to emerging technologies like drones and artificial intelligence in the 21st century. Each class will focus on-in roughly chronological order-a different military innovation, and will use that innovation to analyze a different major political science theory or debate. In particular, we will assess the development, spread, effectiveness, and morality of military innovations and address critical questions for scholarship and policy. By the end of the course, students will have a grasp of the history of military innovation and many of the key debates and theories in this field.
84-275 Comparative Politics
Spring: 9 units
This course is an introduction to the subfield of Political Science called Comparative Politics. In this subfield we use comparative methods to study and compare domestic politics across countries. In this course, we aim to learn about how political systems differ, discuss why they differ and explore the consequences of such variation. The course is divided into four sections. In the first part, we will examine the main theories and methods used to conduct research in the subfield, and discuss the development and consolidation of the modern state. In the second section, we will examine political regimes, including variation among democracies and nondemocracies. In the third unit, we will study some of the countries' central political institutions. We will compare political systems (presidentialism, semipresidentialism, and parliamentarism) and examine legislatures, electoral systems, and political parties. In the final segment, we will scrutinize political mobilization and conflict. We will discuss interest groups, nationalism, social movements, protests, populism, clientelism, revolutions, civil wars, terrorism, and globalization. The participation of students is central for the success of this course. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and doubts via Canvas, participate in small-group discussions each week, and participate in one group presentation that will demand you to apply the concepts and methods discussed in the course to other countries.
84-280 Popcorn and Politics: American Foreign Policy at the Movies
Fall: 10 units
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how many words are moving pictures- that is, movies- worth? The stories captured in movies shape our ideas about the world, our sense of right and wrong, and our hopes and dreams. They can also teach us about international politics and have, historically, had tangible effects on government policy. This course will analyze key events and debates related to American foreign policy specifically and international relations more generally through the lens of film. From war dramas and science-fiction movies to anime and comedies, we will explore the lessons film can teach us about the causes of war, role of morality in international politics, and foreign policy decision-making. Each week we will focus on a different key American foreign policy event or period in history and pair it with a relevant film. By the end of this course, students will have a greater understanding of history, key debates and theories related to American foreign policy, and film.
84-303 International Human Rights
Intermittent: 6 units
This mini-course surveys the causes of human rights violations around the world and the internal and external forces that combat them. The course begins by asking how political scientists conceptualize and measure human rights; we also review the origins and evolution of the international human rights movement and debates over whether human rights are (or should be) universal. In week 3, we survey the correlates of human rights abuses and review what progress has been made towards global forecast models of genocide, politicide, and mass killing. The core of the class in weeks 4-6 examines domestic and international forces and actors that attempt to promote human rights and assesses the efficacy of international NGOs and IGOs, international law, diplomacy and sanctions, and informal pressures of socialization and emulation The course concludes by reviewing current human rights challenges in the United States and future of human rights globally. By the end of this course, you should come away with an appreciation for the ongoing struggle to achieve the global aspirations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
84-304 In the News: Analysis of Current US National Security Priorities
Fall and Spring: 6 units
This discussion-based course will examine the headlines in international relations, defense, national security, and homeland security. We will follow major news stories, breaking down media coverage to go deeper, conducting our own unique analysis as a group but also individually, contextualizing issues within the broader global context using the U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS), U.S. National Defense Strategy (NDS), and the U.S. Annual Threat Assessment (ATA) to anchor discussions. Students will study the NSS, NDS and the ATA closely- and learn how to look at U.S. national security priorities through this lens. Students will have the opportunity to lead discussions on breaking news stories, but also to draw upon prior past headlines which still dominate the news cycle or have wider implications for international relations and issues in national security. The goal of this course is to understand U.S. national security priorities, encourage students to think deliberately and deeply about U.S. national security priorities and to contextualize those events in the broader international relations and security context.
84-306 Latin American Politics
Spring: 9 units
The world's most unequal region is an area of contrasts. Ethnically diverse, stable and tumultuous, young and old, urban and rural, learned and illiterate, prosperous and poor, independent yet dependent. The disparities that have characterized the region since colonial times have been a permanent source of instability and the cause of numerous political and economic experiments. Social scientists have found much material to study democratic innovations, revolutions, coups, civil wars, military dictatorships, impeachments, populism, clientelism, corruption, import substitution industrialization, neoliberalism, socialism, regime changes, social movements, welfare policies, regional integration, and diversified leadership. The overarching question to be explored in this course is what forces -such as economic, social, and cultural- affect the emergence, development, collapse, reemergence, and consolidation of democracy. To understand the region's present, it is necessary to study path dependence and learn how the worldviews of dominant elites evolved over time. Thus, the course centers in three historical periods. First, we will briefly examine Latin American history from its conquest to the end of World War II (1492-1945). The aim is to uncover the demographic and geographical setting with its economic, social, and political evolution. The second part centers on most of the Cold War period (1947-1978) and its combination of political and economic experiments. The third part covers the last forty years, from the wave of transitions to democracy to current challenges to democratic consolidation. We will also address how Latin America has integrated to globalization and how the relationship with the US and China has experienced fundamental changes since the 1990s.
84-309 American Political Divides and Great Debates
Fall: 9 units
This is a dynamic course that delves into the complexities of political polarization in the United States. This course is designed not only to educate but also to actively engage students in the analysis of some of the most divisive and challenging issues facing the nation today, including the 2nd Amendment, abortion rights, crime, and immigration policy. Throughout the semester, students will engage in a variety of learning activities including critical readings, in-depth discussions, and live debates. These components are structured to encourage a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of American political divides. Students will be challenged to explore and argue from viewpoints different from their own, fostering a broader perspective and empathy in understanding opposing arguments. This course offers students a platform to deeply engage with the current political climate, understand the roots of American political divides, and develop skills essential for civic engagement and discourse. This course is ideal for students with interests in political science, history, law, social justice, and those looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complex political landscape of the United States and its implications for justice and injustice in society.
84-310 Policy in a Global Economy 1: International Trade and Trade Policy
Spring: 6 units
This course will focus on the economics of international trade; immigration; trade and immigration policy; the politics of trade and immigration; the backlash against globalization; trade and development; trade, sanctions, and national security; and strategies for mitigating the costs and more equally distributing the benefits of international trade. We will also consider the implications of climate change for international trade and trade policy. Student grades will be based on class participation, homework assignments, a midterm, and a final exam.
84-311 Policy in a Global Economy 2: International Macroeconomics and Finance
Spring: 6 units
This course will focus on the rise of international capital and financial flows in the post-war era, international macroeconomic policy with fixed and floating exchange rates, the economics of inflation, currency and financial crises in developed and developing countries, and an analysis of the costs and benefits of Europe's single currency. Student grades will be based on class participation, homework assignments, a midterm, and a final exam.
84-312 Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa
Intermittent: 6 units
The spread and growth of terrorism on the continent of Africa has increased substantially over the last decade; this mini is an introduction to the major terrorism groups that operate in sub-Saharan Africa. Throughout the course, we will examine the nexus of the terrorist threat in sub-Saharan Africa, and subsequent responses from governments, multinational organizations and foreign actors. It is intended to acquaint students with the dynamics of terrorism and counterterrorism efforts in sub-Saharan Africa, and by doing so establish a solid foundation upon which further expertise can be built.
84-313 International Organizations and Law
Intermittent: 6 units
This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the role and function of international organizations and international law in global affairs. In this course, we will consider the historical development of the international legal system and theories and sources of international law. We will examine the dynamics of key international organizations within the United Nations system, the emergence of regional organizations and their role in global governance, and the relationship between international law and domestic law. Throughout the course, students will be asked to analyze current events through the lens of international law. Students will learn to read and analyze primary legal sources and gain familiarity with current research in the field. By the end of the course, students should be able to assess the record of international institutions in promoting international security, facilitating and regulating the use of emerging technologies, influencing the conduct of war, protecting human rights, and addressing global environmental concerns.
84-317 Defense PPBE in the Age of Emerging Technologies
Intermittent: 6 units
This course offers a comprehensive, strategic inquiry into the Department of Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Policy. Focusing on the critical intersection of emerging technologies and the future of warfare, students will undertake a thorough evaluation of the existing PPBE framework. The course aims to unpack the system's viability, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Students will not only assess how well the PPBE process responds to current challenges but also evaluate its efficacy in proactively preparing the nation and its military for the future of warfare. Through a blend of critical analysis and strategic thinking, this course provides an invaluable perspective on the adaptability of defense planning mechanisms to technological advancements and emerging threats.
84-318 Politics of Developing Nations
Intermittent: 9 units
Be it on our feet, in our grocery bags or in the news, our daily lives connect us to people in the developing world. Despite such an intricate relationship, we tend to know very little about developing nations and their challenges beyond a common stereotype of poverty. What are developing nations? What is their place in the world? What challenges do those nations and their populations face? In this class, we will strive to answer those questions through readings of political science and political economy scholarship and in-class activities and discussions. We will explore the socio-economic and political issues that developing nations face and take special care to practice perspective taking (i.e. we will put ourselves in specific nations' shoes and consider situations from their point of view). We will adopt various lenses (e.g. post colonialism, liberalism, feminism) throughout the semester to inform our understanding of the various positions taken by global actors. By addressing the unequal power balance between developed and developing nations as well as among developing nations, we will enrich our world view and understanding of major global issues, such as development. We will practice those skills in class through discussions and activities (you should expect very little lecturing) and outside of class through guided readings. Your learning in the course will be assessed through various writing assignments (take home exams, a final paper, weekly responses) where you will practice composing arguments based on evidence.
84-319 Civil-Military Relations
Spring: 9 units
Why do militaries (people with guns) ever obey civilians (people without guns)? Can we have a military strong enough to protect civilians, yet not so strong as to ignore or subvert civilian authority? What is the dividing line between civilian and military spheres of activity? How much influence should civilians have on activities within the military sphere, and how much influence should the military have in the civilian sphere? How does all of this affect a state's ability to both protect itself and project power globally? Examining the theory and practice of civil-military relations in the U.S. and the world, this course explores issues related to civilian control of the military and military professionalism, including coups d'etat, military disobedience, the impact of an all-volunteer vs. conscripted force on both civilian and military decisions, public-private partnerships in the military sphere, the role of military privatization in civil-military relations, and the role of servicemembers in the political life of the community. Relying on the influential texts of Lasswell, Huntington, Feaver, and Finer, the first half of the course aims to elucidate the theory behind basic tensions between the military and civilians. The second half of the course focuses on how theory translates into practice, with a particular focus on case studies of civil-military relations in the U.S. democratic system.
84-322 Nonviolent Conflict and Revolution
Spring: 9 units
How can everyday people promote justice, equality, and democracy? Throughout history, many have looked to armed struggle and revolutionary violence. But over the course of the last century, nonviolent "people power" movements- from Gandhi's salt march to the Arab Spring to Black Lives Matter- have been forces for social and political change. What are the causes, strategies, tactics, dynamics, and consequences of nonviolent conflict, and how do these differ from violent or armed conflict? When and how do unarmed "people power" campaigns topple repressive authoritarian regimes? This course addresses these questions, and, in the process, engages contending theories of power, revolution, and insurgency. The course introduces students to key concepts, theories, strategies, and historical patterns of nonviolent conflict. The class probes the success and failure of nonviolence by analyzing landmark unarmed revolutions.
84-323 War and Peace in the Contemporary Middle East
Spring: 9 units
This course examines the drivers and dynamics of war and peace in the contemporary Middle East. It is structured around a series of key debates about different facets of conflict and violence in the region, such as the causes of rebellion, the reasons resistance groups use terrorism, and the factors that facilitate peace. We will delve into competing arguments about each of these issues, applying the ideas to cases around the region. We will also examine broader regional conflicts like the Arab-Israeli dispute and Sunni-Shia confrontation. We will use a mixture of research articles and books as well as more diverse materials such as war reporting, films, and memoirs in order to create a holistic understanding of these issues.
84-324 The Future of Democracy
Intermittent: 9 units
After the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama famously argued that humanity had reached the "end of history" insofar as liberal democracy had become the last viable form of government. Yet today, illiberal democracies and dictatorships persist, the world has witnessed the return of authoritarian great powers led by China and Russia, and populist movements challenge liberal democracies around the world. What is the future of democracy around the world, and how can we know? This course surveys the causes of historical rise (and fall) of democracy, the methods and pitfalls of democracy promotion, and a variety of challenges to democracy- such as nationalism, polarization, and misinformation. By the end, students will be expected to write an intelligence memo and give an oral presentation on the future of democracy in a particular region or country.
84-325 Contemporary American Foreign Policy
Spring: 9 units
This course provides a survey of American foreign policy since World War I as a means of explaining why American foreign policy looks the way it does today. We will cover topics such as America's perennial battles between isolationism and internationalism, the creation of the US-led world order after 1945, the containment of communism, and anti-terrorism after 9/11. We will cover enduring and global issues like climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, humanitarian intervention, and international economic policy, as well. Further, a main focus of the course is how foreign policy is made - the role each branch of government plays in foreign policy making, the impact of domestic politics and public opinion, and how other countries receive and react to American foreign policy. The course will use both history and data analysis to understand how foreign policy works, how it is made, and its effect both at home and abroad. A good grasp of the 20th century American and world history, and some familiarity with international relations theory are not requirements but will prove helpful. By the end of the semester, students should have acquired a broad understanding of the most important foreign policy events of the last century and have the tools to analyze foreign policy decision-making.
84-328 Military Strategy and Doctrine
Fall: 9 units
This course will survey how the causes, conduct, and termination of warfare have changed over time. While the focus of the course is primarily on major warfare between states, we will also cover the use of military power in civil wars, insurgencies, and proxy wars. The first part of the course addresses why wars occur and what leaders hope to achieve using military power. We will cover the merits and limitations of different explanations for why war occurs and different ethical issues in the use of force, including just war theory and protection of civilians. The second part of the course addresses the sources of warfighting effectiveness, war outcomes, and war termination and will cover a range of material and non-material factors. The final section of the course will cover how recent military, technological, social, and political changes influence what can be achieved through military power and implications for military strategy and doctrine. By the end of the course, students will have general grasp of the major analytic approaches to understanding the occurrence and dynamics of war and will have the tools to think critically about the use of military force.
84-329 Asian Strategies
Fall: 6 units
What are the strategies of leading Asian countries? How do their governments intend to pursue their economic, political, and military goals in the years ahead? What role will technology and information play in advancing their strategic objectives? These questions are the heart of this mini-course, focusing on some of the most problematic and promising regional states: North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, and India. While all these actors have a rich history, they were born anew within five years after 1945, with the conclusion of the Second World War, the division of the Korean peninsula, the partition and independence of India, and the founding of the People's Republic of China. The course will culminate in a discussion of strategic convergences and the divergences, as well as and the implications of national strategies for regional and global peace and stability.
84-332 Contemporary US Constitutional Law Issues
Fall and Spring: 6 units
This course will explore the recent redefinition of rights by the supreme court on such issues e.g. gun rights, vaccine mandates, reproduction, death penalty, voting, presidential immunity and affirmative action. The theme of the course will focus on different schools of constitutional interpretation and how the constitution can be viewed as a document for a vibrant democracy. A diverse set of speakers will be invited to engage the class in a lively discussion on the issue of the day.
84-336 Implementing Public Policy: From Good Idea To Reality
Spring: 12 units
Good public policy doesn't just "happen." Rather, successful policy is the result of thorough research, careful drafting, and successful navigation within the government or non-government organization whose leadership may ultimately promulgate it. The course begins with a brief review of government and organizational behavior in a bureaucracy, and the identification of a federal agency's current policy system as a framework to which we will turn throughout the term. Study then turns to an overview of legal research skills. Though usually the province of law students and attorneys, such skills will enable students to know when policy may be crafted "from scratch"- or where, when, and how policy must conform to larger governing legal or regulatory structures. Students will then consider a particular sub-specie of public policy, administrative law, which addresses the special circumstance of regulatory agencies and the statutory regimes that create and govern them. The course culminates with students developing and "staffing" a notional policy, modeled on the federal agency policy system studied throughout the term. This course may benefit a range of audiences: students considering government and related policy careers; future business leaders who must set standards for business practices, employee behavior, or operations within the confines of governmental regulations; prospective paralegals and attorneys; or anyone interested in exploring "what the rules are" and why.
84-338 Analysis of US Presidential Powers
Fall and Spring: 6 units
This course will explore the evolution of presidential power and the underlying theories that support the expansion of the executive branch in contemporary politics. Some of the topics that will be covered include - emergency powers, presidential immunity, the "Steel Seizure" case, the pardon power, the Iran-Contra scandal and impeachment. Given that this is an election year having a fuller understanding of the President's potential power is fundamental for the next office holder.
84-339 Seminar in Public Policy Research
Intermittent: 12 units
Public policy has high stakes. The taxes we pay, our access to medical care, the quality and composition of the military- all of these are the direct result of US public policy. Furthermore, public policy often touches on highly contested issues such as private gun ownership or single payer health care. Public policy research then is important, helping inform critical political decisions with evidence-based analysis. This seminar will give students an overview of public policy research concepts, terms, and actors. This will be followed by a case study unit on exemplars of public policy research: the opening of all military occupations to women, and the passage the Affordable Care Act. A third unit will focus on the increasing role of scalable analytics and large datasets. In this unit students will gain an overview of scalable methods (including machine learning applications), the potential of "big data" to transform policy research, but the problems and pitfalls associated with a more algorithmic approach to public policy. These three units will build towards a final research project where students propose their own policy initiative.
84-349 Digital Diplomacy: Cybersecurity Challenges and Global Governance
Spring: 9 units
In an increasingly interconnected world, the realms of cybersecurity and diplomacy are inextricably linked. This course provides a comprehensive examination of how cyber threats and digital technologies impact international relations and global security. Students will explore the strategic, legal, and ethical dimensions of cybersecurity within the context of diplomacy. Key topics include cyber warfare, cyber espionage, the role of international organizations, and the development of global cybersecurity policies and norms. The course will also delve into the challenges of establishing international norms governing behavior in cyberspace, analyzing why consensus is difficult to achieve among diverse nations. Through case studies and expert guest lectures, students will gain practical insights into how nations negotiate, collaborate, and confront challenges in the cyber domain. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to analyze and address complex cybersecurity issues from a diplomatic perspective, fostering a safer and more cooperative international environment.
84-350 A Strategist's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Spring: 9 units
How do AI technologies influence politics, governance, and conflict? This course provides an overview of AI technologies, beginning with unpacking the term 'artificial intelligence' itself. Students will examine AI applications and their implications in political and governance contexts. The course begins with a foundational and applied understanding of machine learning, covering core concepts such as unsupervised, supervised, and reinforcement learning, natural language processing, and embodied AI. This course takes an applied approach, based in the public policy literature and does not assume prior knowledge of these concepts. Following this introduction, the course explores the use of AI technologies in various political and public policy scenarios, including surveillance, defense, online information environments, political campaigns, environmental sustainability, and global trade. Students will critically examine how these technologies are deployed, their capabilities and limitations, regulatory issues, and ethical considerations, such as bias and fairness.
84-351 Bias, Objectivity, and the Media's Role in Politics
Fall: 6 units
For decades, the pursuit of objectivity has guided media coverage, with organizations striving to present politics in a neutral, unbiased, and balanced manner. However, this modern development in news coverage has not been without its criticisms. This course offers an exploration of the evolution of news media in the United States, spanning from its foundation to the era of objective journalism and beyond. This information is accompanied by a critical examination of contemporary media dynamics. From filter bubbles and echo chambers to bias and slant, this course will delve into the challenges that underpin the media's coverage of politics. What topics get covered by the news, and who is exposed to this information? Is objective media truly unbiased, and what do choices about newsworthy stories signal regarding power in politics? Throughout the course, we will navigate these questions and more as we strive to understand some of the effects of media on politics.
84-352 Representation and Voting Rights
Spring: 9 units
What does it mean to be represented? Who is represented, who is not? What is the nature of that representation? In practice, does representation result in policy congruence? In this course, we will explore the concept of representation, what it means in theory, and how it works in practice. We will investigate the theoretical underpinnings of representation from a democratic norms' perspective, the legal and constitutional nature of U.S. institutions, and evaluate empirically how well represented the public is. The class will have a central theme of how race and racial attitudes affect representation. Voting rights, the Voting Rights Act, and subsequent court cases will be highlighted. In the United States, legislative elections are held in single-member districts, which require the drawing of district boundaries every decade. Several weeks of the course will be devoted to understanding this process. The course will culminate with a final project in which we will draw electoral maps that could act as alternatives or remedies to maps enacted this decade.
84-354 The American Experiment: Unravelling the US Electoral System
Spring: 6 units
In 2022, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer noted that Americans are participating in a democratic experiment that Thomas Jefferson launched with the Declaration of Independence. The same unique and improbable system outlined by the Framers of the Constitution continues to shape modern politics and guide how we select our political leaders - both positively and negatively. This course will explore the intricacies of the U.S. electoral system and trace its historical evolution. Through this process, students will gain a detailed understanding of the foundations of our current electoral system and the challenges it faces. Students will also be asked to engage thoughtfully with the system's strengths and weaknesses and consider potential reforms. Altogether, this course invites students to unravel the complexities of elections and appreciate their significance in the broader democratic experiment. This course introduces students to cutting-edge research on elections in the United States. There are no formal prerequisites. However, some of the readings are technical and require an openness to the quantitative study of political science. The key ideas and lessons to take from the course will not be about technical issues. Instead, we will focus on substantive and conceptual insights about elections.
84-355 Democracy's Data: Analytics and Insights into American Elections
Fall: 9 units
This course offers a unique blend of political science and data analytics, focusing on the American electoral process with a special emphasis on contemporary elections. This course bridges historical electoral outcomes with current political events, highlighting how understanding past elections is key to interpreting the dynamics of present and future elections. This course recognizes a common observation: people often view the next election as the most consequential. However, history tells us that the impact of elections can be profound and long-lasting. From the pivotal election of 1876, which ended Reconstruction and reshaped the country for a century, to the razor-thin margins in the 1960 Kennedy election and the 2000 Bush-Gore contest, American politics have been deeply influenced by electoral outcomes. Throughout the semester, students will delve into data analytics' foundational concepts, focusing on data collection, statistical analysis, and interpretation. These techniques are applied to contemporary election trends, voter behavior, and political campaigning. The course uses historical elections as case studies to illustrate how past events and trends can shed light on current electoral phenomena. The curriculum emphasizes the significance of historical context in shaping our understanding of today's elections. Students will explore how factors such as changing voter demographics, technological advancements in campaigning, and shifts in political ideologies have evolved over time and what they mean for current and future electoral strategies and outcomes.
Prerequisite: 36-200
84-360 CMU/WSP: Internship Seminar
Fall and Spring: 24 units
The internship is the experiential "core" of the Washington Semester Program. Students intern three days per week, for approximately 24-25 hours, in offices from Capitol Hill to the White House and including opportunities in cabinet agencies, nonprofit institutions, museums, advocacy groups, policy think tanks, cultural institutions, and news organizations. Through the internship, students gain professional experience and make long-lasting professional and personal contacts. In addition, students meet once a week with the CMU internship faculty for a seminar to report and reflect on their internship experiences, and address pressing current issues from the perspective of their internship organization. In addition, the weekly seminar typically includes 1-2 CMU alumni from the Washington, DC, area. Their personal and professional experiences become part of the seminar conversation, and they make themselves available to students as ongoing sources of information and advice.
84-362 Diplomacy and Statecraft
Fall: 9 units
Diplomacy and statecraft are the driving forces behind foreign policy and international politics. In the first part of the course, students are introduced to the concepts, theories, and history of diplomacy. Students survey examine key cases and statesmen and women in great power politics from the Congress of Vienna to the present. Finally, the class surveys contemporary diplomatic challenges related to international security, major power relations with Russia and China, human rights and democracy promotion, and non-traditional transnational threats (human trafficking, global climate change). Both in the classroom and in writing, students are encouraged to think, act, and write like diplomats and to appreciate diplomacy as a vocation. Throughout the course, students build skills in foreign policy memo writing, participate in diplomatic role-playing simulations, build cultural intelligence, and connect diplomatic trend lines with today's international headlines.
84-363 Click. Hack. Rule: Understanding the Power & Peril of Cyber Conflict
Fall: 9 units
This course explores the multifaceted landscape of cyber conflict across three distinct layers of the Internet: the cyber-physical layer, the software layer, and the application layer. The course will investigate the strategic use of these Internet layers by governments, both in times of peace and conflict. Topics will include the role of cyber capabilities in international warfare, espionage, coercion, and diplomacy, as well as their application to domestic objectives, such as surveillance and repression. Through a blend of theoretical discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity's evolving landscape and its implications for national security and global geopolitics.
84-365 The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation
Spring: 9 units
In this course, we will examine the drivers and dynamics of misinformation, fake news, and related phenomena in social and political life. From wartime "atrocity propaganda" to climate denialism to false claims of election fraud, how can we characterize fake news and misinformation, and why do they often spread so widely? What are the factors that explain why people accept or reject them, and what are their consequences for our political behavior? Finally, how can they be successfully countered and combatted? In this course, we will look at these and other questions, drawing on the fast-growing body of research on the topic from a range of fields including psychology, communications, political science, and computer science. In terms of the course's structure, we will first focus on defining and characterizing fake news and misinformation, and next we will examine their production (why are they created?), consumption (why are they believed?), and consequences (what influence do they have?). Then, we will analyze the threat of misinformation in several important contexts - including COVID-19, climate change, and armed conflict - and finally we will consider research and analysis about how to best counter it. For the final assignment in the course, students will build on what they have learned throughout the semester to write an original research paper applying ideas and arguments from class to a case of fake news or misinformation that is of special interest to them.
84-367 The Politics of Antisemitism
Fall: 9 units
The course examines the phenomenon of antisemitism in contemporary international politics. Antisemitism is an old form of prejudice, but concerns about its growth and consequences are very present in the news today. Meanwhile, the term has also become something of a political football domestically and abroad and has been instrumentalized by different political factions who accuse one another of engaging in it. What is antisemitism and how should we define it? What are the main dynamics and trends in antisemitic attitudes and behaviors in the U.S. and around the world? What fuels these attitudes and behaviors, and what are their chief political consequences? This course aims to engage with these questions in a thoughtful and empirical way by grounding itself in the growing political and social science literature on antisemitism, and bringing a careful social scientific lens to these challenging issues.
84-369 Decision Science for International Relations
Fall: 9 units
Decision Science looks at choices from three interrelated perspectives: analysis, characterizing decision makers' options, in terms of expected effects on outcomes that they value; description, characterizing decision makers' beliefs and preferences; and interventions, helping decision makers to choose among the options available to them or create better ones. The course integrates foundational research in Decision Science with applications to international relations and politics.
Prerequisites: 36-201 or 36-200 or 19-250
84-370 Nuclear Security & Arms Control
Fall: 9 units
This course introduces students to the importance and challenges of implementing safeguards surrounding nuclear energy and arms control. Students will learn the history of nuclear and conventional weapons proliferation, assess the effectiveness of current treaties export control organizations, and evaluate policy challenges related to emerging weapons technologies, particularly drones, cyber weapons and AI.
84-372 Space and National Security
Spring: 9 units
Space systems contribute a great deal to America's security, prosperity, and quality of life. This course examines how space-based services provide critical support to military and intelligence operations and contribute to national security more broadly. The course is designed to investigate several interrelated themes, weaving together relevant aspects of technology, strategy, and policy. The material is approached from both functional and historical perspectives, beginning with the basics of military and intelligence space operations and ending with an examination of the space- and cyber-related technical, strategic, and political challenges facing the nation today and in the foreseeable future.
84-373 Emerging Technologies and International Law
Intermittent: 9 units
This course is a study on the complicated relationship between politics, technology, and international law. While the efficacy of international law is often debated, countries generally depend on it to help regularize the world. Today, however, a proliferation of new technologies - including drones and autonomous weapons systems, cyber threats, hypersonics, space privatization, and more - may profoundly disrupt that world. By surveying historical, contemporary, and horizon technology cases, we will discuss how countries sometimes design technologies to exploit legal loopholes, at other times attempt to engineer against creativity by "future-proofing" or adapting international law to emergent threats, and how equilibrium is restored when these efforts fail. Notwithstanding the relevance of international law for many domains of social activity, the focus of this course will be on the maintenance of international/human security, including arms control, the laws of war, and public international law governing security practices.
84-380 US Grand Strategy
Fall: 9 units
What role should the United States play in the world? Should the U.S. solely protect its own borders or advance democracy, promote human rights, and contain aggressive countries? These are questions that Americans have wrestled with throughout modern U.S. history. In this class, students will learn about those arguments and engage in debate over both the goals of U.S. foreign policy and the means of achieving them. This course will situate current events in the historical context of grand strategy during and after the Cold War, as well as a wider understanding of how countries determine their goals and seek to pursue them through a combination of diplomatic, economic, military, and political means. Students will explore the connection between domestic and foreign affairs and how all these issues relate to current U.S. strategy toward a rising China, an assertive Russia, and so-called "rogue states" like Iran and North Korea. Students should emerge from the class with a better understanding of U.S. grand strategy but also with a greater ability to formulate and communicate their own views on U.S. strategy toward the rest of the world.
84-383 Cyber Policy as National Policy
Spring: 6 units
The decisions nations make in cyberspace have profound implications for both prosperity and sovereignty. The internet is a digital thread tying together peoples. The nature of our participation in this ecosystem is determined by policy makers. Cyber policy mirrors the political ethos of governments. Some nations choose to use cyber as a tool of control and repression, others construct cyber policies as key enablers of innovation and the free exchange of ideas. The translation of traditional policy objectives into a direction for cyber is often problematic. The perpetually liminal state of conflict in cyberspace adds another set of challenges for policy makers. In this course we will explore national cyber policies. We will compare approaches and explore the role of culture. In our analysis we will enumerate the attributes of effective national cyber policy and conduct postmortems on failed policies. We will examine the ethical questions faced by cyber policy makers. Every citizen has a role in cyber policy. This course is intended to prepare future policy makers and create informed citizens.
84-386 The Privatization of Force
Intermittent: 9 units
This course considers different forms of privatized force and security over time and across various strategic contexts, from historical mercenarism up to modern-day private military and security contractors. While going through the historical and modern material chronologically, the course considers the various issues that arise with each form of privatized force, including questions that arise regarding the state's monopoly on violence, legal and humanitarian issues, and civil-military relations. These range from theoretical concerns regarding modern definitions of the state, to practical operational-level concerns pertaining to field coordination issues between the military and private contractors in modern conflicts.
84-387 Remote Systems and the Cyber Domain in Conflict
Spring: 9 units
This course analyzes the impact of remote systems and the cyber domain on national security. We will study the development of these technologies, how and why they have been used by state and non-state actors in conflict, their impact on the battlefield, and potential future developments. Some of the questions we will explore in this class include: Are drones revolutionizing warfare between states? Does the use of drones by state actors increase or decrease terrorism, and how are terrorist groups utilizing drones to achieve their goals? How does support for retaliation and escalation in response to cyber attacks differ from more traditional, kinetic attacks? How have remote systems and cyber capabilities been utilized in the Russia-Ukraine War?
84-388 Concepts of War and Cyber War
Fall: 6 units
This course examines traditional theories, concepts, and practices in international relations and warfare- conventional, unconventional, and modern- and relates them to the emerging dynamics of cyber war. The principal concepts examined in this course reflect, have shaped, and continue to shape state and non-state actor behaviors and their calculations of how to prepare for and prosecute warfare. These include, among others, conventional and nuclear deterrence, offense-defense dynamics, first strike capabilities, and irregular warfare. The course will focus on theory but will leverage history, military doctrine, and cases to highlight the challenges of integrating cyber war into defense planning and practice. Students will be challenged to consider how the introduction of cyberspace as a warfighting domain- in addition to land, maritime, air, and space- affects the ways that scholars and practitioners- operating with force structures and strategic, operational, and tactical concepts that are decades, if not centuries old- conceive of and practice warfare in the 21st Century. The principal objective of this course is to introduce students to cyber war within the context of traditional, and emerging, concepts of armed and unarmed warfare. This course will focus on two core areas: 1) a discussion of traditional concepts of warfare in the physical domains; and, 2) a discussion of cyber war and its intersection with these traditional concepts.
84-389 Terrorism and Insurgency
Spring: 9 units
This course provides an introduction to terrorism, insurgency, and civil war, covering the causes, dynamics, consequences, and policy responses to these forms of political violence. Insurgent and terrorist groups are some of the most important actors behind security challenges across the world. Definition of these phenomena can be as contentious as the question of which policies are most appropriate to prevent, manage, and resolve the conflicts in which they take part. The course will cover the historical evolution of these forms of violence as well as recent trends. The course will also focus on groups, methods, ideologies, and organizational structures, and will address the effectiveness of different policies over time at preventing and managing these forms of violence, and the role that these policies play in overall national strategy.
84-390 Social Media, Technology, and Conflict
Spring: 9 units
This course will examine the role that social media and technology have had on conflict at multiple levels, both between and within nations. Interconnectedness has expanded dramatically and continues to expand, allowing the formerly disconnectedindividuals with shared political views, states and diaspora populationsto be intimately connected. The Arab Spring uprisings were significantly influenced by the use of cell phones, social media, and text-messaging as organizing tools. Insurgent groups like the Islamic States harnessed the power of social media and emerging technologies, and now extremist groups in the US and Europe are using Twitter, YouTube, Telegram and other social media platforms to their advantage. Information war is a critical factor in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as both sides work to support/exploit kinetic warfare. Social media is used both to recruit for and fund violent extremism, while the internet has become a channel for radicalizing individuals into violent ideologies. Loss of trust in media and institutions, and the proliferation of mis/disinformation, conspiracy theories, and malign information operations over social media has introduced a new dimensions to conflict and relations between individuals, small groups, non-state actors, and nation-states.
84-393 Legislative Decision Making: US Congress
Spring: 9 units
This course analyzes decision-making by the United States Congress. The course examines legislative behavior by focusing on the way Congress is organized (institutional and constitutional structure) and the ways legislators, voters, and various other parties interact (strategic constraints). Students will both learn the legislative process and explore the influence of norms, rules, expectations, incentives and, perhaps most important of all, the power of the electorate in influencing legislative outcomes and policy. Elections, voting decisions, committee assignments, political party power, and intra-branch relations across the Federal government are some of the topics into which we will delve. This course does not require any prior knowledge of the U.S. Congress, and there are no prerequisites for the course.
Prerequisite: 84-104
84-402 Judicial Politics and Behavior
Spring: 9 units
This course is a survey of research and insight into one of the most unique American government institutions: the judiciary. Rather than exclusively reading case law (as one would do in a Constitutional Law class), this course examines court structure, rules of law and, most importantly, judges as actors within an institutional setting. We will focus on how rules, norms, and expectations guide the decisions, actions, and range of options available to judges. Here we will study the nature of judicial decision-making and its antecedents, the organization of the judicial branch and its implications for behavior, and the strategic interactions both within courts and between the courts and the more "political" branches of government. The course will look at state and federal courts within the United States, supplemented with examples from international jurisdictions. Material from law, history, economics, political science, sociology, and psychology will be introduced throughout the semester. Although some of the literature uses empirical and/or game theoretical models, students are not expected to have mastered these tools prior to taking the course.
Prerequisite: 84-104
84-405 The Future of Warfare
Fall: 9 units
Warfare is constantly evolving. In the contemporary conflict environment, the prospect of large-scale conflict between near-peer states is converging rapidly with proxy conflicts and threats typically posed by nonstate and/or irregular actors and tactics. Competition between the United States, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea is increasingly playing out on the global strategic stage, while hybrid actors and proxy groups continue to wage war in an asymmetric and irregular manner that relies on ambiguity, strategic surprise, innovative uses of technology, and deception. These activities often occur within the so-called "gray zone," an area of neither declared nor undeclared hostilities where U.S. adversaries are gradually allocating resources. This course will examine and historically contextualize various "new" trends in warfare, including the weaponization of AI technologies, increasingly sophisticated cyber and information warfare operations, the development of violent non-state actors with conventional military capabilities, and state support of mercenary forces to achieve strategic gains without attribution.
84-440 Collaborative Research in Political Science
Are you interested in joining an inter-disciplinary, collaborative research team that could eventually lead to publishing a co-authored article in political science? This course invites interested students to join as active participants in one of several ongoing research projects by a faculty member in the Institute of Politics and Strategy. Students will be grouped into small teams of co-authors based on interest and skills. Some students may take the lead with data collection and cleaning, others with writing a literature review or case studies, others still with analyzing and visualizing data. The goal will be to draft a co-authored paper by the end of the semester that may be presented at a conference and, ideally, published in a journal. Students from all backgrounds are welcome, especially those with an interest in politics, history, international relations, or social science applications of statistics, data science, and/or machine learning. SPRING 2023 TOPIC: Technologies of rebellion and the politics of coups, self-coups, assassinations, mass protest, and/or armed insurgency.
84-450 Policy Seminar
Spring: 6 units
The Policy Seminar course takes a critical look at decision making in domestic politics and US foreign policy. It does so through weekly roundtable discussions with a diverse set of thought leaders. Based on intellectually significant essays that students are expected to read in advance of each class, these discussions give students an opportunity to ask probing questions about the three branches of the US government, media, embassies, advocacy groups, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. This course seeks to help students understand the responsibilities and activities that leaders and decision makers carry out on behalf of their organizations. Students are instructed in how to confidently and respectfully ask critical questions of those shaping policy. The term "roundtabling" is used to describe submitting an issue for critical discussion among relevant stakeholders. Knowing how to direct a roundtable is a significant element in the professional development of anyone interested in taking part in the policy arena, and this course helps students hone this important skill. In requiring students to read important essays related to each class session and then step back from discussions with leaders to write analytical essays, this course teaches students how to develop strong arguments based on solid logic and credible evidence, an essential component in making democracy work.
84-460 Mapping Your Future: Senior Professional Development Seminar
Spring: 6 units
This seniors-only seminar will help prepare students for future careers in international relations, government, politics, and policy. It will build on some of the skills developed in Tomorrows Professionals, though this course is not required. Students will learn how to search and identify opportunities in the policy, security, and strategy fields, how to tighten their applications, and how to best position themselves for these highly competitive positions. In addition, students will develop the tools to increase their own marketability and enhance their job search savviness. This course is designed to aid graduating CMIST seniors in scoping their future and building the necessary infrastructure to work toward their professional goals both in Washington, D.C. and beyond.
84-498 Undergraduate Research
Fall and Spring
Students conduct research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students who wish to engage in research should seek out a faculty member whose interests are appropriate to the research. Prerequisite: Students must also complete an "Independent Study/Research for Credit" form, available from the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs or on the CMIST website. Permission of a faculty sponsor.
84-499 Independent Study
All Semesters
Students conduct independent academic study under the supervision of a faculty member. Students who wish to engage in an independent study should seek out a faculty member whose interests are appropriate to the topic. Students must also complete an "Independent Study/Research for Credit" form, available from the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs or on the CMIST website. Prerequisite: Permission of a faculty sponsor.
84-505 Undergraduate Internship
Fall and Spring
An internship is an approved and monitored work experience than can be related to an academic field of study through active reflection and specific learning goals. Students will be in regular contact with a faculty member, who will assign and evaluate academic work. Internships are available for 3, 6, or 9 units, depending on the type and amount of academic work produced. Students are responsible for finding their own internships and faculty sponsors, although assistance is available through the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. A CMIST form is required for registration.


AUDREY KURTH CRONIN, Trustees Professor of Security and Technology; Director – DPhil, University of Oxford; Carnegie Mellon, 2023–

IGNACIO ARANA ARAYA, Assistant Professor – PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Carnegie Mellon, 2016–

HANNAH BAILEY, Assistant Professor – DPhil, University of Oxford; Carnegie Mellon, 2025–

HALEIGH BARTOS, Associate Professor of the Practice – MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Carnegie Mellon, 2021–

JUSTIN CANFIL, Assistant Professor – PhD, Columbia University; Carnegie Mellon, 2023–

JONATHAN CERVAS, Assistant Teaching Professor – PhD, University of California, Irvine; Carnegie Mellon, 2020–

JOHN J. CHIN, Assistant Teaching Professor – PhD, Princeton University; Carnegie Mellon, 2016–

BARUCH FISCHHOFF, Howard Heinz University Professor in the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy – PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Carnegie Mellon, 1987–

MARK S. KAMLET, University Professor of Economics and Public Policy; Provost Emeritus – PhD, University of California, Berkeley; Carnegie Mellon, 1978–

NADIYA KOSTYUK, Assistant Professor – PhD, University of Michigan; Carnegie Mellon, 2024–

HARVEY RISHIKOF, Visiting Professor – JD, New York University; Carnegie Mellon, 2024–

JOSHUA SCHWARTZ, Assistant Professor – PhD, University of Pennsylvania; Carnegie Mellon, 2023–

DANIEL M. SILVERMAN, Assistant Professor – PhD, The Ohio State University; Carnegie Mellon, 2017–

Post-Doctoral Fellows

NICOLE KLIEWER, Postdoctoral Fellow – PhD, Princeton University; Carnegie Mellon, 2023–

Scholar in Residence

PATRICK CRONIN, Scholar in Residence – DPhil, University of Oxford; Carnegie Mellon, 2023–


MATTHEW BUTKOVIC, Lecturer – Master of Professional Studies, Pennsylvania State University; Carnegie Mellon, 2015–

KELLY VOSS COLETTI, Lecturer – PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Carnegie Mellon, 2020–

FRED CRAWFORD, Lecturer – JD, Georgetown University; Carnegie Mellon, 2017–

DALE CROWELL, Lecturer – MA, Catholic University of America; Carnegie Mellon, 2018–

MOLLY DUNIGAN, Senior Lecturer – PhD, Cornell University; Carnegie Mellon, 2014–

MATTHEW LANE, Lecturer – PhD, The Pennsylvania State University; Carnegie Mellon, 2021–

SOPHIE LE BLANC, Lecturer – PhD, University of Delaware; Carnegie Mellon, 2017–

WILLIAM M. MARCELLINO, Lecturer – PhD, Carnegie Mellon University; Carnegie Mellon, 2021–

GEOFFREY MCGOVERN, Senior Lecturer – PhD, Binghamton University, JD, Harvard University; Carnegie Mellon, 2013–

FORREST E. MORGAN, Senior Lecturer – PhD, University of Maryland; Carnegie Mellon, 2017–

ANDREW J. STRAVERS, Lecturer – PhD, University of Texas, Austin; Carnegie Mellon, 2021–

MARK A. TOUKAN, Lecturer – PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Carnegie Mellon, 2021–

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